Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Scientism is indistinguishable from the nonsense popular culture it spawns


From James Barham at The Best Schools blog (December 15, 2011):

This vision of the New Jerusalem glowing—or the gaping maw of Pantagruel, depending on your politics—is completed, naturally, by bringing in genetics and evolutionary theory, the crowning glory of which is Wilson’s own insatiable invention, sociobiology, that will finish off the meal by gobbling up ethics, the humanities, and whatever other scraps the physical sciences may have left on the table.

which supposed ID friend, Darwinist philosopher Michael Ruse thinks is wonderful:

Wilson’s scientistic vision of the wholesale “cannibalization” of the humanities by physics and biology is by now a common-enough trope—not to say a commonplace—of contemporary culture. Reams of books are being written at this very moment reducing not only ethics, but religion, and literature, and art, and music, and God knows what else to the competition of our “selfish genes.” All these things, they assure us, are “illusions” or “delusions”; only science is competent to tell us the truth about ourselves.

Except that their great “truths” of science turn out to be just what the TV hair model tells us, what any clever youngster could make up: “Snakes are getting smarter and the helped humans evolve” (besides which she needs to justify a guilty pair of recently purchased snakeskin shoes … )

Scientism has failed the very nature of things; no matter that all the law courts in the world  force it down students’ throats as they choose.

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