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Nature makes an ID-friendly report on the Solar System (officially it’s not YEC friendly)


At the scandalous premiere of Privileged Planet at the Smithsonian Institution several years ago, astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez said something to the effect “not only are we in the right place in the universe, we’re alive at the right time!” Dr. Gonzalez, normally unexpressive and soft spoken, was uncharacteristically emphatic about being alive at the right time in cosmic history, suggesting the window of arrival of homo sapiens and modern technology happened within an exceedingly narrow time frame. He was so emphatic that one would surmise he was seeing a miracle, as if whatever was the source of the universe specially ordained this time and place in the fabric of reality.

From the prestigious scientific journal Nature: Caught in the Act

Ever since Copernicus evicted Earth from its privileged spot at the centre of the Solar System, researchers have embraced the idea that there is nothing special about our time and place in the Universe. What observers see now, they presume, has been going on for billions of years — and will continue for eons to come.

But observations of the distant reaches of the Solar System made in the past few years are challenging that concept. The most active bodies out there — Jupiter’s moon Io and Saturn’s moons Enceladus and Titan — may be putting on limited-run shows that humans are lucky to witness. Saturn’s brilliant rings, too, might have appeared relatively recently, and could grow dingy over time. Some such proposals make planetary researchers uncomfortable, because it is statistically unlikely that humans would catch any one object engaged in unusual activity — let alone several.

The proposals also go against the grain of one of geology’s founding principles: uniformitarianism, which states that planets are shaped by gradual, ongoing processes. “Geologists like things to be the same as they ever were,” says Jeff Moore, a planetary scientist at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. The unchanging world is “philosophically comforting because you don’t have to assume you’re living in special times”, he says.

But on occasion, the available evidence forces researchers out of their comfort zone. Here, Nature looks at some of the frozen worlds that may be putting on an unusual spectacle.

Enjoy the rest of the article: Caught in the Act.

This is suggestive of ID. Remember guys, UD isn’t about YEC, so officially this is merely a science report, guys. 😉

1. Denyse, myself and others were there at the premier of Privileged Planet. In attendance was National Academy of Science member Phil Skell. What a wonderful night.

2. One of our loyal commenters complained recently of all the YEC stuff at UD. Well, personally I’ve only started 3 discussions in the last 2 months on specific YEC topics, the majority of YEC at UD has been firefights in the comment sections of various threads. However, I tried to explain to our loyal readers that I can’t suppress physical observation being made in the world of science. It’s not my fault the data might inspire our YEC readership.

3. HT Box

4. Anyone have the figures for the size of the time window that Gonzalez spoke of? It might be in his book. HELP! Thanks.

5. Circumstantial evidence suggests that Dr. Gonzalez was expelled form his academic post for suggesting we’re living on a privileged planet at a privileged time — very anti-Copernican. This reminds me that astronomer Alton Harp pointed out the stars appear to say: The Fingers of God are Pointing at You.

6. The reason the premiere of Privileged Planet was scandalous is detailed by Dr. Bergman here: Showdown at the Smithsonian.

7. YP Varshni seconds Arp (sort of): Is the earth the center of the universe?

No problem Sal, I'm surprised more examples from Gonzalez have not been cited by others As to the claim in post 5, from 'The Galileo Affair', that,,,
'these findings of modern science are pretty much exactly what we would expect to see if this universe were indeed created, and sustained, from a higher dimension by a omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal Being who knows everything that is happening everywhere in the universe at the same time.'
,,,It is also interesting to note that 'higher dimensional' mathematics had to be developed before Einstein could elucidate General Relativity, or even before Quantum Mechanics could be elucidated;
The Mathematics Of Higher Dimensionality – Gauss and Riemann – video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/6199520/ Flatland - 3D to 4D shift - Carl Sagan - video Excerpt from Notes: The state-space of quantum mechanics is an infinite-dimensional function space. Some physical theories are also by nature high-dimensional, such as the 4-dimensional general relativity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnURElCzGc0 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences - Eugene Wigner - 1960 Excerpt: We now have, in physics, two theories of great power and interest: the theory of quantum phenomena and the theory of relativity.,,, The two theories operate with different mathematical concepts: the four dimensional Riemann space and the infinite dimensional Hilbert space, http://www.dartmouth.edu/~matc/MathDrama/reading/Wigner.html Shape from Sound: Toward New Tools for Quantum Gravity - 2013 Excerpt: To unify general relativity and quantum theory is hard in part because they are formulated in two very different mathematical languages, differential geometry and functional analysis.,,, http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v110/i12/e121301
“Geometry is unique and eternal, a reflection from the mind of God. That mankind shares in it is because man is an image of God.” – Johannes Kepler https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/79396.Johannes_Kepler
February 7, 2014
12:18 PM
For your dissection: http://www.ted.com/talks/sean_carroll_distant_time_and_the_hint_of_a_multiverse.htmlJGuy
February 7, 2014
10:42 AM
Sal. Correction. It was a TED talk by Sean Carroll that that point was brought up.JGuy
February 7, 2014
10:40 AM
Sal. The point of being/existing in a highly unlikely time was one point brought up in a TED talk by Brian Green I think. And expansion was the problem that showed we were in a special time.... Why would we exist at this point?.... I think the answer Greene suggested was that the universe was inflating, and something along the lines of statistically in the inflationary universe clumps or pockets of order would eventually happen, and those were the origins points of big bangs in this super inflationary model... and new life surprised to find itself at the start of a new expansion...etc.. etc.. Yeah, a few layers of assumptions, but the point of being in a special time was for the most part acknowledged. I'm not sure if this is along the same lines as Krauss, but I'd guess that Greene and Krauss have worked, if not talked, together at some point on this.JGuy
February 7, 2014
10:31 AM
BA77, Thank you for helping me out. God bless you, sir!
“The same narrow circumstances that allow us to exist also provide us with the best over all conditions for making scientific discoveries.” “The one place that has observers is the one place that also has perfect solar eclipses.” “There is a final, even more bizarre twist. Because of Moon-induced tides, the Moon is gradually receding from Earth at 3.82 centimeters per year. In ten million years will seem noticeably smaller. At the same time, the Sun’s apparent girth has been swelling by six centimeters per year for ages, as is normal in stellar evolution. These two processes, working together, should end total solar eclipses in about 250 million years, a mere 5 percent of the age of the Earth. This relatively small window of opportunity also happens to coincide with the existence of intelligent life. Put another way, the most habitable place in the Solar System yields the best view of solar eclipses just when observers can best appreciate them.” - Guillermo Gonzalez – Astronomer http://books.google.com/books?.....38;f=false
The End Of Cosmology? – Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert J. Scherrer Excerpt: We are led inexorably to a very strange conclusion. The window during which intelligent observers can deduce the true nature of our expanding universe might be very short indeed. http://genesis1.asu.edu/0308046.pdf We Live At The Right Time In Cosmic History – Hugh Ross – video http://vimeo.com/31940671
Wow! We not only live on the Privileged Planet but at a Priviliged Time in all eternity! The Fingers of God are indeed pointing at us.scordova
February 7, 2014
09:27 AM
I see what you did there.tragic mishap
February 7, 2014
09:09 AM
@bornagain77 I totally agree with that "caveat"; that is the recognition of the theistic worldview that lead to modern science. Additionally, from within a Biblical worldview, that same lawgiver revealed the occurrence of specific events that preceded and initiated the reliable operation of the observed "laws of nature" as well as events that transcend such "laws."Pseudolus
February 7, 2014
08:49 AM
Nice Quotes Pseudolus! ,,, But also with this caveat,,, The God Particle: Not the God of the Gaps, But the Whole Show - Monday, Aug. 2012 Excerpt: C. S. Lewis put it this way: "Men became scientific because they expected law in nature and they expected law in nature because they believed in a lawgiver." http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-god-particle-not-the-god-of-the-gaps-but-the-whole-show-80307/bornagain77
February 7, 2014
08:26 AM
Regarding the assumption of uniformity across space and time: 1. It has always been a ideological assumption: With his co-author, Stephen Hawking wrote in The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time on page 134 that scientists, "are not able to make cosmological models without some mixture of ideology". 2. It has never been logically required: Scientific American profiled cosmologist George Ellis quoting him stating that: “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations... For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations... You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds... What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” 3. It is clung to in the face of observations "to avoid embarrassment": Feynman wrote: ‘… I suspect that the assumption of uniformity of the universe reflects a prejudice born of a sequence of overthrows of geocentric ideas. … It would be embarrassing to find, after stating that we live in an ordinary planet about an ordinary star in an ordinary galaxy, that our place in the universe is extraordinary … To avoid embarrassment we cling to the hypothesis of uniformity.’ Feynman, R.P., Morinigo, F.B. and Wagner, W.G., Feynman Lectures on Gravitation, Penguin Books, London, 1999. P.166Pseudolus
February 7, 2014
05:53 AM
Does Nature have any blind watchmaker friendly articles wrt anything?Joe
February 7, 2014
04:32 AM
Also of note:
Quantum Enigma:Physics Encounters Consciousness - Richard Conn Henry - Professor of Physics - John Hopkins University - scordova Excerpt: It is more than 80 years since the discovery of quantum mechanics gave us the most fundamental insight ever into our nature: the overturning of the Copernican Revolution, and the restoration of us human beings to centrality in the Universe. And yet, have you ever before read a sentence having meaning similar to that of my preceding sentence? Likely you have not, and the reason you have not is, in my opinion, that physicists are in a state of denial… https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/the-quantum-enigma-of-consciousness-and-the-identity-of-the-designer/ The Galileo Affair and “Life/Consciousness” as the true "Center of the Universe" Excerpt: I find it extremely interesting, and strange, that quantum mechanics tells us that instantaneous quantum wave collapse to its 'uncertain' 3D state is centered on each individual conscious observer in the universe, whereas, 4D space-time cosmology (General Relativity) tells us each 3D point in the universe is central to the expansion of the universe. These findings of modern science are pretty much exactly what we would expect to see if this universe were indeed created, and sustained, from a higher dimension by a omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal Being who knows everything that is happening everywhere in the universe at the same time. These findings certainly seem to go to the very heart of the age old question asked of many parents by their children, “How can God hear everybody’s prayers at the same time?”,,, i.e. Why should the expansion of the universe, or the quantum wave collapse of the entire universe, even care that you or I, or anyone else, should exist? Only Theism, Christian Theism in particular, offers a rational explanation as to why you or I, or anyone else, should have such undeserved significance in such a vast universe. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BHAcvrc913SgnPcDohwkPnN4kMJ9EDX-JJSkjc4AXmA/edit
Also of interest:
The Place of Life and Man in Nature: Defending the Anthropocentric Thesis - Michael J. Denton - February 25, 2013 Summary (page 11) Many of the properties of the key members of Henderson’s vital ensemble —water, oxygen, CO2, HCO3 —are in several instances fit specifically for warm-blooded, air-breathing organisms such as ourselves. These include the thermal properties of water, its low viscosity, the gaseous nature of oxygen and CO2 at ambient temperatures, the inertness of oxygen at ambient temperatures, and the bicarbonate buffer, with its anomalous pKa value and the elegant means of acid-base regulation it provides for air-breathing organisms. Some of their properties are irrelevant to other classes of organisms or even maladaptive. It is very hard to believe there could be a similar suite of fitness for advanced carbon-based life forms. If carbon-based life is all there is, as seems likely, then the design of any active complex terrestrial being would have to closely resemble our own. Indeed the suite of properties of water, oxygen, and CO2 together impose such severe constraints on the design and functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems that their design, even down to the details of capillary and alveolar structure can be inferred from first principles. For complex beings of high metabolic rate, the designs actualized in complex Terran forms are all that can be. There are no alternative physiological designs in the domain of carbon-based life that can achieve the high metabolic activity manifest in man and other higher organisms. http://bio-complexity.org/ojs/index.php/main/article/view/BIO-C.2013.1/BIO-C.2013.1
The following site is also of interest;
The Scale of The Universe - Part 2 - interactive graph (recently updated in 2012 with cool features) http://htwins.net/scale2/scale2.swf?bordercolor=white
The preceding interactive graph points out that the smallest scale visible to the human eye (as well as a human egg) is at 10^-4 meters, which 'just so happens' to be directly in the exponential center of all possible sizes of our physical reality (not just ‘nearly’ in the exponential center!). i.e. 10^-4 is, exponentially, right in the middle of 10^-35 meters, which is the smallest possible unit of length, which is Planck length, and 10^27 meters, which is the largest possible unit of 'observable' length since space-time was created in the Big Bang, which is the diameter of the universe. This is very interesting for, as far as I can tell, the limits to human vision (as well as the size of the human egg) could have, theoretically, been at very different positions than directly in the exponential middle; of related note:
Planck length – Theoretical significance Excerpt: This implies that the Planck scale is the limit below which the very notions of space and length cease to exist.,,, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_length#Theoretical_significance
The Center Of The Universe Is Life - General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Entropy and The Shroud Of Turin - video http://vimeo.com/34084462
Verse and Music:
Romans 11:36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. Metallica & San Francisco Symphony Orchestra - Nothing Else Matters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziThYl6B2vw
February 7, 2014
04:15 AM
Thanks Sal, As to Gonzalez's 'narrow time frame', here is one reference:
The Privileged Planet - The Correlation Of Habitability and Observability “The same narrow circumstances that allow us to exist also provide us with the best over all conditions for making scientific discoveries.” “The one place that has observers is the one place that also has perfect solar eclipses.” “There is a final, even more bizarre twist. Because of Moon-induced tides, the Moon is gradually receding from Earth at 3.82 centimeters per year. In ten million years will seem noticeably smaller. At the same time, the Sun’s apparent girth has been swelling by six centimeters per year for ages, as is normal in stellar evolution. These two processes, working together, should end total solar eclipses in about 250 million years, a mere 5 percent of the age of the Earth. This relatively small window of opportunity also happens to coincide with the existence of intelligent life. Put another way, the most habitable place in the Solar System yields the best view of solar eclipses just when observers can best appreciate them.” - Guillermo Gonzalez - Astronomer http://books.google.com/books?id=lMdwFWZ00GQC&pg=PT28#v=onepage&q&f=false Of note: The sun's 864,000-mile diameter is fully 400 times greater than that of our puny moon, which measures just 2,160 miles. But the moon also happens to be about 400 times closer to the sun than the Earth (the ratio varies as both orbits are elliptical) and as a result, solar eclipses Privileged Planet - Observability Correlation - Gonzalez and Richards - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/5424431
Also of note: The moon, as Gonzalez pointed out, due to these 'perfect' solar eclipses that we 'just so happen' to enjoy, was integral for the initial verification of the 4-D space-time of Einstein's General relativity:
Einstein’s theory of general relativity is tested, May 29, 1919 Excerpt: After the war, Eddington travelled to the island of Príncipe near Africa to watch the solar eclipse of May 29, 1919. During the eclipse, he took pictures of the stars in the region around the sun. According to the theory of general relativity, stars with light rays that passed near the Sun would appear to have been slightly shifted because their light had been curved by its gravitational field. This effect is noticeable only during eclipses because the Sun's brightness obscures the affected stars. Eddington’s photographs showed that Newtonian gravitation could be interpreted to predict half the shift predicted by Einstein. Although the quality of Eddington's observations were poor in comparison to later observations, they were sufficient to persuade contemporary astronomers and were hailed at the time as a conclusive proof of general relativity over the Newtonian model. http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4415308/Einstein-s-theory-of-general-relativity-is-tested--May-29--1919
Of related note to the verification of the 4-D space-time of Einstein's General Relativity with the moon, it is found that the prophetic calender, with the allowance of 'leap months', in its measure of time, exceeds the modern 'scientific' Gregorian calender. i.e. The Gregorian calender uses a fairly complex system of leap days (and seconds) to keep accuracy with the sun, whereas, on a whole consideration, the prophetic calender uses a simpler system of leap months to keep accuracy to the sun. When these two systems are compared against each other, side by side, the prophetic calender equals the Gregorian in accuracy at first approximation, and on in-depth analysis for extremely long periods of time (even to the limits for how precisely we can measure the Earth's solar years) the prophetic calender exceeds the Gregorian calender in accuracy. i.e. God's measure of time exceeds the best efforts of Man to scientifically measure time accurately for the earth.,, But why am I surprised about this? :)
Bible Prophecy Year of 360 Days Excerpt: Is the Biblical 'prophetic' calender (which is based on the lunar cycle) more accurate than our modern calender? Surprisingly yes! Excerpt: The first series of articles will show the 360-day (Prophetic) calendar to be at least as simple and as accurate as is our modern (Gregorian) calendar. In the second part of our discussion we will demonstrate how that the 360-day calendar is perfectly exact (as far as our 'scientific' measurements will allow). http://www.360calendar.com/
To continue on with Gonzalez's 'observability correlation':
Extreme Fine Tuning of Light, and Atmosphere, for Life and Scientific Discovery - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/7715887/
Moreover, the time frame in which we can observe the beginning of the universe, i.e. the Cosmic Background Radiation, is also found to be relatively narrow:
The End Of Cosmology? - Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert J. Scherrer Excerpt: We are led inexorably to a very strange conclusion. The window during which intelligent observers can deduce the true nature of our expanding universe might be very short indeed. http://genesis1.asu.edu/0308046.pdf We Live At The Right Time In Cosmic History – Hugh Ross – video http://vimeo.com/31940671
Further note along that line:
Hugh Ross - The Anthropic Principle and Anthropic Inequality - video http://www.metacafe.com/w/8494065 Anthropic Principle: A Precise Plan for Humanity By Hugh Ross Excerpt: Brandon Carter, the British mathematician who coined the term “anthropic principle” (1974), noted the strange inequity of a universe that spends about 15 billion years “preparing” for the existence of a creature that has the potential to survive no more than 10 million years (optimistically).,, Carter and (later) astrophysicists John Barrow and Frank Tipler demonstrated that the inequality exists for virtually any conceivable intelligent species under any conceivable life-support conditions. Roughly 15 billion years represents a minimum preparation time for advanced life: 11 billion toward formation of a stable planetary system, one with the right chemical and physical conditions for primitive life, and four billion more years toward preparation of a planet within that system, one richly layered with the biodeposits necessary for civilized intelligent life. Even this long time and convergence of “just right” conditions reflect miraculous efficiency. Moreover the physical and biological conditions necessary to support an intelligent civilized species do not last indefinitely. They are subject to continuous change: the Sun continues to brighten, Earth’s rotation period lengthens, Earth’s plate tectonic activity declines, and Earth’s atmospheric composition varies. In just 10 million years or less, Earth will lose its ability to sustain human life. In fact, this estimate of the human habitability time window may be grossly optimistic. In all likelihood, a nearby supernova eruption, a climatic perturbation, a social or environmental upheaval, or the genetic accumulation of negative mutations will doom the species to extinction sometime sooner than twenty thousand years from now. http://christiangodblog.blogspot.com/2006_12_01_archive.html
February 7, 2014
04:13 AM
"Saturn's brilliant rings, too, might have appeared relatively recently, and could grow dingy over time. Some such proposals make planetary researchers uncomfortable, because it is statistically unlikely that humans would catch any one object engaged in unusual activity — let alone several." This quote from the article was reminiscent to me of a thread I posted on the ARN forum some years ago. It probably wasn't articulated the best, but the gist was that the young earth worldview had properties that lead one to have a least sense of surprise about one's place in time in the universe. This article is similar, but the surprise value is determined by finding a something that seem not disrupted, or that is essentially youthful. old worldview, surprise; young worldview, not so much. By the way, the ARN thread article was about how surprised we should be to find ourselves at this point in time. From a worldview with an infinite timeline, we should be extremely surprised to find ourselves at this time. From a worldview with a tiny timeline, we should not be surprised. The more surprised one is, the less likely their worldview fits reality. :D Just saying!JGuy
February 7, 2014
01:38 AM
SC, re:
Ever since Copernicus evicted Earth from its privileged spot at the centre of the Solar System . . .
This is inaccurate to the relevant context and the history of ideas. In the Platonic and Aristotelian influenced way of thinking, it would be more accurate to say they saw the earth as the somewhat chaotic, imperfect SUMP of the cosmos. In this context, they did not have the same sort of centre is privileged/superior view we seem to assume today. It can be argued that Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler and Galileo et al PROMOTED earth to the heavens. (Cf discussion here on.) I mention this, as this is a caricature that props up an unconscious chronological snobbery that fails to see that one does not tell progress to truth by the progress of the clock. And, as habitual accuracy and fairness on history are important, more important than we often realise. KF PS: And of course I am not unaware of the subtle, snide swipe being made in the most influential journal of all, Nature, against the privileged planet thesis, and broader design theory. By appeal to ill-informed prejudice and myths passed off as common sense history.kairosfocus
February 7, 2014
12:32 AM
Also, johnnyb makes this observation regarding how blessed we are to live in this time in he universe given a recent paper by physicist Lawrence Krauss:
In the paper The Return of a Static Universe and the End of Cosmology, [Hat Tip: IDTF] the authors argue that in the (very, very far) future, we will no longer be able to detect the evidences that lead us to the conclusion of the big bang. And, in fact, our observational data would lead us to view the universe as static. IDTF thinks that this is evidence that we live in a privileged place and time in the universe. That may or may not be true, but the theoretical questions that this paper brings are far more interesting. Assuming that the paper is correct (and I certainly don't know enough about cosmology to say anything there), then that means that we know that it is possible for the evidence to indicate a false understanding of the universe. Think about that -- we have a paper that demonstrates that physical evidence can lead to a false understanding of cosmology even if the data is measured 100% accurate. http://baraminology.blogspot.com/2007/04/questions-that-should-be-asked.html
If only to suggest, it is by grace that any of us know anything...scordova
February 7, 2014
12:10 AM

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