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Putting Peer Review in Its Place


In the Darwinism debates, ‘peer review’ is often invoked as a panacea – quite mistakenly, since these debates presuppose a much more free-ranging intellectual universe than the one in which peer review is effective. By ‘peer review’ I mean the process by which colleagues in the field to which one aspires to contribute vet articles before they are published. To be sure, peer review has its uses. It catches obvious errors of fact, curbs overstretched inferences and enables an author to phrase things so that the intended message is received properly.

In other words, peer review is a kind of specialist editing – full stop. It is not the mechanism by which disputes concerning overarching explanatory frameworks are usefully settled, since these typically involve judgements about the relative weighting given to various bodies of evidence that one would explain in a common fashion. Substantial disagreements over such judgements typically have less to do with factual issues than deeper, philosophical ones about what a field is ultimately about.

So, peer review might have stopped Michael Behe from saying that Darwinian processes could not possibly explain the bacterial flagellum. Rather it would have limited him to saying that no agreement has been reached on such an explanation, and that it is difficult to see how agreement could be reached on the matter. This re-specification would have spared Behe from having to face a plethora of alternative accounts of how the flagellum could have evolved, none of which have been shown to be correct – but are no less possible. Peer review is good at preventing this sort of fruitless dispute that, to this day, takes up an enormous amount of space in the ID literature.

Peer review might also usefully intervene in an issue that Cornelius Hunter repeatedly raises, namely, the theological commitments of Darwinist claims. Surely, Hunter and I are not the only two people who find it absolutely bizarre that atheists routinely make claims about what God would or would not have done vis-à-vis the design features of nature. The people making these claims don’t even believe that theology has a real subject matter, yet they make claims as if it did and are then expected to be taken seriously by people who not only believe that theology is a real subject but also know something about what it says. Moreover, it is not that these atheists have disproved the existence of God and hence officially invalidated the domain of theology. At least, such disproofs have not appeared in peer-reviewed publications.

The fault here really lies with professional theologians and clerics who let claims by Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, etc. pass in silence rather than calling for peer review over their claims. For example, theodicy starts with the assumption that the design features of nature are not especially intelligible if one considers particular organisms or events in isolation. So anyone who tries to cast doubt on God’s existence by pointing to the seemingly awkward construction of an organism is like the ignoramus who denies the earth’s motion because the ground appears still to him. An argument of comparable stupidity that would not pass muster in physics should not be allowed to pass muster in theology.

So, my view on peer review is as follows: It has an important but limited role in Darwinism disputes, which have been overextended in some respects but underutilised in others. In particular, editorial errors relating to natural science matters are often illegitimately leveraged into grounds for censoring alternative explanatory frameworks, while blatant ignorance of theology is allowed to pass as reasonable counterargument in the spirit of ecumenical tolerance. A balancing of the dialectical ledger is in order.

CY The canaries in the mines are choking, gagging and dying. But the pit bosses are ignoring the warnings! GEM of TKIkairosfocus
September 17, 2009
02:00 AM
Onlookers: On drawing some "interesting" parallels: Pardon such a tempting target for diversion as the recently cut off Cotnest 10 thread, but this in parallel with the RT case will show how "hostile" peer review exchanges as well as blog debates can run into all sorts of complexities, side trails and side issues, obscuring the value of an in fact sound original point. (This has unfortunately been a characteristic problem with ID issues and even with some of the points made by the even more despised Creationists, e.g. when they -- correctly -- drew attention tot he implications of thermodynamical reasoning and science on the utter unlikelihood of origin of complex function based on information and algorithms out of in effect randomly formed molecules and interactions in some lightning-struck pond in the remote past.) On points of interest: 1] Let's confess straight up: I made an admitted error of interpretation on the Eqn 22 in p 1055 of the M & D IEEE paper [cf also that in the same context, a critic who often posts on mathematical issues at UD made a very similar error of interpretation of an eqn and apparently missed how a more sophisticated analysis of a step would yield the same result (how many probabilities we look at are not "conditional" at all?)] and on correcting it showed that the demonstrated case of implicit latching fits into a modified frame on the eqn, noting that the illustrative example for latching and ratcheting are unlikely to come from a real run. 2] I have maintained all along that the explicitly illustrative- didactic example of latching-ratcheting by M & D was unrealistic: five additional letters going correct while preserving two already correct ones on one real-world toss is utterly unlikely; but could be used as a reasonable or plausible didactic example (absent the high hostility rhetorical climate we see . . . ). 3] M & D have calculated active info for the case of s = 100% -- using my model parameter, which [as I pointed out, but which was overlooked] would not properly apply to such a case -- with probable direct reference to explicitly latched search. On the evidence of BW and NS c 1986 -- and despite much contention by CRD's supporters -- this is a valid explanatory model for the evident latched, ratcheted showcased runs of generation champions in Weasel at that time (recall that Australian university dept that on simply reading Weasel took it as presenting an explicitly latched model . . . ). But on balance of evidence over 23 years since [and in absence of credible code c. 1986 forthcoming -- notice the parallel to reticence with key data from authors in the RT optics case! And, to that on certain hockey-stick etc related climate change cases . . . ], esp from 2000 on inclusive of claims made by CRD and his spokesmen it is not the best one. However, even a 100% mut per letter case would be unlikely to give a run with the five go correct at once on gen 1 of a run, while retaining two already latched ones. 4] The M & D analysis/model can -- as shown in my simple extension to "catch and keep" -- be extended to the case of clearly implicit latching where in each gen pop size and mut rate are such that no-change cases are very likely present and single step advances are likely to be otherwise picked by the filter, leading to implicit latching. (More complex cases are of course possible, but take my simplistic extension as a pointer to the possibilities.)
--> It is to be noted as well that there is plainly no one M & d algorithm to be contrasted with a "the" CRD algopr of 1986. --> For, the lab they sponsor, EIL puts up a cluster of various forms of algors for Weasels [and both explicitly latched and proximity reward search algors are capable of replicating the apparent results of 1986 as showcased by CRD . . . i.e. implicit latching is also possible), and . .. --> there is no forthcoming definitive credible code c 1986 from CRD. (This key point -- and consistent pattern of reticence on decisive original data on the part of high-power authors in the system -- keeps coming up and is just as frequently brushed aside in exchanges over ID themes and climate change matters etc. Such reticence even plays a role in the optics case with RT.)
5] Already, if one has not been following exchanges at UD -- the ones in hostile fora elsewhere are simply too distorted to be helpful [similar to how the issues in the UD Weak Argument Correctives are being mishandled not only on the web but in many institutional science, education, court and even parliamentary contexts] -- over months closely, one would be easily lost in the details of exchanges. This of course holds in far greaster degree for highly technical and sophisticated points in contention, such as the optics case of RT. But equally, it holds for the way that too many issues in the design theory controversy have been handled. Such a tsituaiton of course invites distractive red herrings, and strawman side issues, often laced weith ad hominems. (Notice how RT was being characterised in potentially career-damaging quarters as a fraud -- and he is an acknowledged and accomplished expert in the relevant field!) 6] Coming back to the case that has come up here at UD since the end of last year, Weasel: the technical exchanges and side issues -- indeed the very case of latching itself is a side issue! -- do not materially alter the key result: Weasel, c 1986, is ADMITTED, targetted, active information based warmer-colder search selecting non-functional "nonsense phrases" on mere proximity to target that causes Weasel to out-perform the yardstick of unassisted random walk searches. (And, this is an ACKNOWLEDGED point of fundamental -- indeed admittedly "misleading" -- dis-analogy between Weasel and the like, and the claimed capability of real world chance variation and natural selection; which are premised on already functioning life forms. [Where that function is coming from is the core question being begged.]) 7] My "weirdly enough" remark that was picked up for further dismissive comment -- yet another rabbit trial opens up . . . -- was about how the external mathematical forms of two rather different approaches converged; never mind that their underlying conditions are quite different. 8] Similarly, "Run D" -- a real world run of Atom's EIl adjustable weasel with pop per gen = 999 and 8% per letter mut rate in each mutant in a gen -- in fact took not 11 but 20+ gens. So whatever counter-intuitive results or holes may be pickable-at in mathematical models and their assumptions etc (and however interesting such rabbit trails may be), implicit latching is a demonstrated empirical reality to be confronted; one that reasonably explains the Weasel 1986 runs; and recall, the original code is not forthcoming. It is all too easy to lose sight of these points in the exchanges. 9] Cf from the RT case, how the core point that due to a replicated error [we have replicated Weasel's apparent action c 1986, on implicit latching . . . since April!] in extracting root mean square values -- forgetting to take the root! -- was lost sight of in a power move to demand that the original data be addressed on pain of refusal of publication. Luckily a friendly and conscientious reviewer "pulled" the original data that the erring authors refused to allow RT or his grad student to access. 10] Then, the game with the optics journal shifted grounds to unfortunately Wikipedia-like double-standards on rules on length style etc. Others repeatedly published 3-pp rebuttals and corrections, but RT was only going to be allowed a max of 1 p to reply on a potential reputation and career-killer based on a proved basic error of mathematics. And, he was not going to be allowed to get away with reasonable abbreviations etc. (And never mind the allowed publication of a rebuttal to a leaked draft -- unpublished, locked up in editorial debates -- corrective; worse with a similar basic error.) 11] In my case when the thread was cut off, I had been hit with a picked up case, run D, which was shown as giving "ridiculous" results. But, if you put a letter in "the slot" 20,000 times in succession with ~ 1 in 12 odds of changing to any of 27 states, odds of not catching the right -- preloaded target -- value at least one time will indeed be quite low. Odds of not catching the correct value at least once each for all 28 letters in that span will also be low, but plainly not as low. (This suggests the actual filter is leaky, missing some cases of letters going correct. Probably these occur in multiple change cases where enough is lost to overwhelm what is gained. [And after all 8% is odds that would on average push through about two changes per mutant. Which goes beyond the strict terms of "reasonable validity" I had discussed already.] And, the onlooker will observe that I gave a range of cases in April, which cases illustrate quite varied behaviour as pop size and mut rate per letter shift.]) 12] In short, in the real world of differing access to power and power games, it is easy enough to make someone sound foolish or wrong, even when they are right on the substantial point. (Well do I remember once being bawled out by a senior official for 45 minutes by the clock, on a point where I was right: switching a photocopy for an original financial document without explanation is not proper procedure! For a photocopy is not at all equivalent to an original in that context.) Mix in politics, side issues, confusing technicalities and space constraints etc etc, and a right royal mess can easily result. _______________ So, we should understand that peer review is plainly in a mess, and that the rhetoric of adversarial exchanges is far more likely to obscure than to guide us to the truth. perhaps, we could reflect on the idea that science at its best is an unfettered (but intellectually and ethically responsible) progressive pursuit of the truth about our world in light of empirical evidence and reasoned analysis and discussion among the informed. We have wandered far from that safe port in a storm in an increasingly chaotic intellectual climate in our day. Will we be able to find safe harbour before we shipwreck on some dangerous lee shore? I confess I get ever more pessimistic. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
September 17, 2009
01:54 AM
Since I don't publish (not that anyone would read it :) ), I'm not too familiar with the dynamics of professional journals. I read what I can get my hands on for free on the internet, and from time to time I will pay for access to an article. I'm not a scholar, so I do this for my own edification and education. But given what you have described, and from my own experience in general, it is really a cautionary tale. We shouldn't believe everything we read, even if it has an air of scientific respectability. Given how history seems to repeat itself - i.e., we believe that we have done away with tyrannies that existed just 60-100 years ago - yet, "the more things change, the more they stay the same." I appreciate our posts, KF. I don't always follow everything you are saying, because I don't have the education you appear to have gained, but for the most part, I follow you, and agree. Thanks for your input.CannuckianYankee
September 17, 2009
12:25 AM
CY: The problem is when something gets locked into the prestige system, and someone has something to say that cuts across somebody powerful's interests, ideology/agenda, worldview or ego. That's not hard to happen, even in the case of something as esoteric and relatively uncontroversial as advanced optics and signal processing. (And look at how basic errors do creep in in even high level contexts -- sometimes on both sides of the issue. In this case, correcting a basic and demonstrable error of mathematics was VERY hard to get through, probably because of whose corns were being mashed and their connexions. Observe also how punctiliously the rules were used to block Trevino's access to the erroneous data on the part of the authors, while somebody leaked his draft comment and allowed a refutation of an unpublished correction to be put in the record before the fact. [Never mind that the original paper in effect boiled down to -- on basic errors -- implying potentially career-shattering fraud or utter stupidity on the part of one who had previously had a paper of the year in the SAME journal; not to mention his grad students, starting with Ms Xu who he had the grace to grant co-authorship status to.]) In short, one set of rules for the power circle, another for those beyond the pale of that anointing. If these sound all too familar and sound all too like the shenanigans of mainstream media houses that are proving themselves ever so incapable of self-policing [the BBC just came up for some public critiques in the UK, that sound all too consistent with my experience of a complaint that went all the way to the Trust's editorial standards committee over the past year or so . . . not to mention two experiences with Jamaica's gleaner and two leading columnists over the past decade; and the complaints on the US MSM sound a lot like this too . . . ] this is revealing of a deep and widespread problem in our civilisation. We plainly have a neo-magisterium in key areas, and the bad habits of imposing censorship over truth and fairness, in defence of power interests are spreading far and wide like a radioactive cloud from a reactor in meltdown. And, the powers that be are in denial over the problem. In short, on too many subjects scientific journals are no more credible than ideologically biased dominant newspapers trading on their now fast fading reputations and prestige from past glory days. To the merits, to the merits, to the merits we must go! GEM of TKIkairosfocus
September 16, 2009
11:30 PM
A bit late to the party, but I must remark on this brilliant observation from Fuller's original post:
So anyone who tries to cast doubt on God’s existence by pointing to the seemingly awkward construction of an organism is like the ignoramus who denies the earth’s motion because the ground appears still to him. An argument of comparable stupidity that would not pass muster in physics should not be allowed to pass muster in theology.
Hear, hear! I confess that I've become so completely immune to this all- too-standard "objection" to ID that I hardly even notice it anymore. It seems to me that the reason it's tolerated in academia is that it interferes neither with the operation of the good professors' iPhones, nor with the economic environment which allows them to possess them. And there's enlightenment for you.crandaddy
September 16, 2009
09:25 PM
KF, I wonder; do scientific journals submit to potential authors disclaimers regarding the fact that their work may/will be subjected to negative scrutiny? In the Rick Trebino essay, the journal editors in question seemed to take extreme care in protecting the integrity of the author. Wouldn't this be a conflict of interest? If I were an author, wouldn't professional integrity be my own responsibility? Therefore, shouldn't professional journals welcome the well established criticism of commenters without having to protect their authors? There should be a price to be paid for making erroneous statements, in my view.CannuckianYankee
September 16, 2009
09:15 PM
Folks: Pardon a refocussing. Kindly, take time to read Rick Trebino's remarks on his year-long struggle [in 123 "easy steps"] to try to correct an erroneous finding in a previously published paper that undercut his previous work, here. Observe, especially, on evident abuse of gatekeeper's veto powers at both editorial and reviewer levels, and on the way that authority and power-positions were abused to frustrate the goals of truth and fairness. Remember, this is in a non-contentious field, in which only egos were at stake. [Cf actual full comment -- which seems significant and relevantly corrective [though I ain't no "eggs-purt" on optics!] -- that was appar. never published.] The observations will sound ever so familiar. Ever so sadly familiar. Project from this -- which as Mr Trebino reports was not an exactly unique experience -- to the general state of peer review in the sciences. Then, multiply by the contentiousness that ever so sadly surrounds ID. BOTTOMLINE: Peer review ain't all it's cracked up to be. At least, if science is to be an unfettered (but ethically and intellectually responsible) progressive, self-correcting pursuit of the truth about our world; in light of empirical evidence and reasoned discussion on same [including mathematical analysis of course] among the informed. Something is broke in the state of early C21 science, and it needs to be fixed. Desperately. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
September 16, 2009
12:13 AM
To Nakashima: Way back in number 33, you asked – as if you were in doubt – for an example of a Darwinist in print who appeals to the bad design argument against the existence of God. Dawkins’ latest book, The Greatest Show on Earth, actually includes a chapter part of whose title is ‘evolutionary theodicy’ – so he knows what he’s doing. I plan to comment on this in another posting. However, on pp. 368-9, he talks about the pervasiveness of back pain amongst humans as evidence for lack of design in nature. And he accounts for this in a characteristically Darwinian way, namely, that at one point in the distant past it was adaptive be upright all the time, but now that we spend so much of our time hunched over our desks, it’s become maladaptive. The idea here is that what originally by accident gave us an advantage now, equally by accident, gives us a disadvantage. An explanation of that sort only makes sense if you look at the structure of the human back in isolation of everything else in nature that an intelligent designer might be concerned about. Otherwise, one might argue that back pain is a fair price to pay for all the benefits that come from being hunched over (e.g. from reading and writing). Now, I don’t deny theodicy’s controversial status within theology itself. After all, not only does it second guess God’s thoughts but it also presumes that God, in some sense, is constrained by matter, so trade-offs and efficiency savings need to be made in creation. Many religious believers would rather resort to mystery than go down that route – though historically that route gave us political economy in the 18th century…Steve Fuller
September 15, 2009
10:42 PM
PaulN, "Either way, the capacity for man to judge the design of a remarkably superior intelligence is sorely lacking, as various factors accounted for within the design itself may have never even crossed the mind of the unsuspecting and skeptical observer." Thanks for this. I watched the video and noticed one peculiar statement from Shermer. He stated "Skepticism is science." Hovind's definition for science as a "search for truth," was more accurate. All skepticism gives us is a way to counter what may or may not be true, while a search for truth at times involves an element of skepticism, combined with a true desire to know something based on evidence, with no partiality. I have many disagreements with Hovind, but he clearly understands that science is more than merely skepticism. Perhaps Shermer doesn't limit science to skepticism, but this is what he stated. I have to think based on that statement, that he has a limited understanding of the scientific method. Nonetheless, the issue here is whether Darwinists are using a religious argument when they posit evidence of imperfect or non-optimal design, as evidence for no design. The issue is not whether they are arguing for design, because they clearly are not. The real issue is that they are not making simple observations about nature, but interjecting a metaphysical assumption on that observation. This is what makes it 'religious.' When science parts from a methodology of impartial observation to a methodology of skeptical interjection based on assumptions of what 'ought' to be (given a designer), they have not followed the scientific method. Shermer's absurd drawing of what a human should look like if there is design, is an example of parting from the scientific method. It may be true that they are following the invite of creationists and ID theorists when Darwinists do this, as SingBlueSilver suggests, but that is beside the point. What they are doing is assuming that the design theorist has necessarily made a theological or religious argument for design in nature, and in order to counter that argument, he/she uses a similar religious or theological argument. But as IDists are clearly pointing out, one does not have to be religious to make a design inference. Antony Flew comes to mind here. Rather, based on the evidence, design is a better inference than chance and necessity. It's not true that IDists are inviting arguments about the intentions of the designer. This is the whole point in ID not even identifying the designer. ID theorists, by doing so, avoid making and/or inviting value judgments on the design or the designer. So when Darwinists make assertions that non-optimal design means no design, they are not acting on countering what ID theorists are saying, but acting quite independent of what ID theorists believe or are saying. There may be reasons other than poor design for why organisms appear to be less than optimal at this point, and ID theorists have in their own thinking and beliefs, counter arguments to such notions. However, such questions are irrelevant. An archeologist doesn't make value judgments regarding a particular ancient artifact, when determining that such a discovered fragment among a rubble of rock is in fact a piece of pottery. He/she doesn't look at it and say, "well, this looks designed, but it can't be designed, because it is so poorly done." Rather, he/she determines if the material is consistent with his/her knowledge of a particular civilization, and also determines that the material is outside the natural environment of the rubble. The only value judgements I can percieve an archeologist making is in comparing artifacts to known civilizations with greater or lesser creative abilities or expression; but in doing so, he/she is only making such comparisons in order to establish that such an artifact was produced (for example)at the time of the Phoeneciasns, rather than the Greeks, or some such purpose. It is still within a inference to design. The archeologist is able to make this distinction, because he/she has knowledge of what the Phoenecians' typical artifacts are like, compared to the Greeks. When the Darwinist states "poor design means no design," he/she is making an assertion based on no knowledge of what a designer would or would not do. In that sense, it is a 'religious' assertion; but I prefer to be kinder, and call it a 'metaphysical' assertion.CannuckianYankee
September 15, 2009
10:08 PM
CJYman, Alas, I found it. At 26:20 in the following video, you can see Shermer wrapping up one of his final comments. After taking a second look, it's actually hard to tell if he was being jovial or serious, but just looking at the amount of detail contained within the slide itself does signify a more serious note- at least on behalf of whoever produced it. Video here This is an old debate between Hovind and Shermer, and while I don't believe Hovind is the best representative of ID, I thought I'd at least post the link for the sole purpose of that particular video segment. Either way, the capacity for man to judge the design of a remarkably superior intelligence is sorely lacking, as various factors accounted for within the design itself may have never even crossed the mind of the unsuspecting and skeptical observer.PaulN
September 15, 2009
08:00 PM
Steve, by you admission the establishment have no interest in the truth of the matter and are playing rhetorical games. If that is really so then I think there is nothing that Behe could do. They are the gatekeepers and are arguing in bad faith. We saw just this with the latest exchange he has documented on his blog. I still think Behe's original thesis was reasonable: that he had identified a case that Darwinian evolution, as currently understood, can't explain. Nothing is ever certain in science; all one can do is marshal the evidence and present the arguments and his argument still looks sound to me. After all we live in a world where the macroscopic laws of physics are only statistically true, and if we were to parse everything in the way Behe's opponents suggest then science (and all rational discourse) would quickly collapse. I have seen no grounds for calling Behe incompetent; in almost every exchange with his critics I have seen signs of gross incompetence in his opponents in one point or other, and of course they rarely argue in good faith. But one things we can be sure of; however he packaged his arguments his critics would call him incompetent and worse (as they so plainly do). If one side is determined against rational discourse then little that can be done by the other side to bring it about. Could Behe have set up a different less inhospitable dynamic, one that raised less hostility and presented a smaller target? This is an intriguing question, and I would very much like to read Dissent over Descent to see if I could get any more clarity on the issue. Thanks for the excellent discussion.senseorsensibility.com
September 15, 2009
04:13 PM
SingBlueSilver, Not true, you have changed the terms of the discussion. The opponents of ID argue that the designer wouldn't have done it this way, which is religious, because their argument is not merely "descriptive" (which the design advocate asserts), but is rather "prescriptive" about what the designer "should" or "should not" do or did. Very different. Arguing prescriptively against a description is the fallacy and the religious assumption of the ID opponent. Clive Hayden
September 15, 2009
04:13 PM
The IDist brings an argument of design, not an argument of how good the design is, so the argument against design, by claiming bad design, is not the same as arguing against design.
That is still outside my point, which is that evolutionists arguing about design (good, bad, whether it exists, whether it doesn't exist) is a response to those arguing for design, so to suddenly claim that they are being religious is asinine. They are arguing on grounds brought up by the IDists, and now being criticized for doing so.SingBlueSilver
September 15, 2009
03:48 PM
SingBlueSilver, The IDist brings an argument of design, not an argument of how good the design is, so the argument against design, by claiming bad design, is not the same as arguing against design.Clive Hayden
September 15, 2009
02:57 PM
"This lesson highlights the one — perhaps only — virtue of peer review: It can help you ensure that you pick the fights you want to pick and not the ones you don’t." IOW, peer review ensures you that you will appear scientifically respectable.CannuckianYankee
September 15, 2009
02:25 PM
My point is not whether the "bad design" arguments are good or not, but that you can't criticize someone for coming to fight on the grounds you invited him to. IDist: makes argument for design Evo: makes argument against design IDist: you are making design, and thus, theological arguments Evo: wha?! but that's what you invited me to argue about!SingBlueSilver
September 15, 2009
02:13 PM
Oh I'm dead serious, I almost couldn't believe what just happened after watching it. I'll see if I can find the video when I get home tonight and possibly provide a timestamp =).PaulN
September 15, 2009
01:49 PM
PaulN: "I’ve seen a college debate involving Michael Shermer where he put up an image on the projector screen of a dwarfed mis-proportioned humanoid type creature and said, “This is what life would look like if it were designed.” Needless to say this left me completely flabbergasted." You can't be serious?!?!?!?!?! Is that what Shermer passes off as the result of even a semi-intelligent analysis? I would love to know how he came to that conclusion. Poor students, being fed such garbage ... especially from someone whom otherwise seems to have a descent grasp on logic.CJYman
September 15, 2009
01:31 PM
SBS, Adding on to what PaulN just illustrated ... 1. The "rust feature" on a car does not look like a good design by any stretch of the imagination. Does that mean that the car itself is not the product of design? 2. There is no way to establish a scientific standard of good vs. bad design except to measure the degree to which the design meets its designer's objective. Thus, without any insight into the motivations of the designer (philosophy/theology) we can't make any determination of good vs. bad design. However, if we can objectively measure a pattern and conclude that it was most likely the result of intelligence (and not merely law and chance absent intelligence), we can then assume that the intelligence was indeed aiming at a target and then we can measure the efficiency at which the pattern provides its function. Of course, one must keep in mind that a design is always operating within constraints and efficiency must usually be given up in one area in order to optimize efficiency in another area. Dembski's illustration of a coat hanger is a good example. In order to provide a light hanger which can also lift a certain load, a balance must be struck between weight and strength/support. You can't point to a basic coat hanger and say that it obviously wasn't designed because it can't support the weight of a truck -- "it breaks under that weight and therefore it is an example of bad design." Is this making things more clear for you?CJYman
September 15, 2009
01:26 PM
Also, I believe Steven's statement is certainly valid. I've seen a college debate involving Michael Shermer where he put up an image on the projector screen of a dwarfed mis-proportioned humanoid type creature and said, "This is what life would look like if it were designed." Needless to say this left me completely flabbergasted.PaulN
September 15, 2009
01:17 PM
SBS, The perception of "bad design" not only fails to refute the design argument, but in fact most cases of "bad design" have been found to be very well suited for the given organism. First you've got to question how one qualifies bad design according to the goal of what the design was meant to achieve. As Gil has illustrated, he's gone back to some of his own programs that he'd written years ago, immediately spotted an apparent error with the code, fixed it, and then the program collapses. After this he realized why it was written the way it was. You've also got to realize that what may have been an optimal design in the past may have degraded over time to what it is now via mutations.PaulN
September 15, 2009
01:03 PM
...atheists routinely make claims about what God would or would not have done...
I don't get it. These are usually answers to claims of design by IDists. ID: We think x appears to be designed in y system. Therefore, a designer was involved. Evo: But z in y system appears to be bad design, thus refuting your argument. ID: How do you know what the designer would or would not have done? You're arguing theology! Evo: *scratches head in confusion* ?????SingBlueSilver
September 15, 2009
12:27 PM
On Behe: The issue concerning his rhetorical misstep is not whether his own views are true or even plausible, let alone whether he is fair to his opponents. What the misstep allowed his critics to claim was that he was incompetent in the relevant evolutionary literature. To this day, that charge hangs most heavily over him and ID supporters more generally. But it is something that could have been prevented through a peer review process -- not by censoring his own positive claims but refocusing the terms of engagement with his opponents. He may still have been ignored by the Darwinian establishment but at least there wouldn't be an excuse to call him incompetent. This lesson highlights the one -- perhaps only -- virtue of peer review: It can help you ensure that you pick the fights you want to pick and not the ones you don't.Steve Fuller
September 15, 2009
09:29 AM
Dr Fuller, I wasn't asking for telepathy, only a citation to the subject of your post.Nakashima
September 15, 2009
09:03 AM
Darwin's challenge is in chapter 6 and the full quote is "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case. No doubt many organs exist of which we do not know the transitional grades, more especially if we look to much-isolated species, around which, according to the theory, there has been much extinction. Or again, if we take an organ common to all the members of a class, for in this latter case the organ must have been originally formed at a remote period, since which all the many members of the class have been developed; and in order to discover the early transitional grades through which the organ has passed, we should have to look to very ancient ancestral forms, long since become extinct." Notice Darwin said he could not find any case. Which was as a congressman said recently, "You lie." The truth is that not even one case exists that could have formed by gradualism. The problem is that gradualism leaves a trail and no trails exists, only a few speculative intermediaries. Sorry to divert from peer review but what they did to Behe makes the whole process of honest research a sewer of which peer review is part.jerry
September 15, 2009
08:42 AM
Mr Fuller is right.kairosfocus
September 15, 2009
08:33 AM
My point is that Behe tripped up rhetorically by overstating his claim, which in context had to do with his wanting to meet Darwin’s own original rhetorically exaggerated claim. A good editor could have ensured that Behe never explicitly claimed that something is ‘impossible’. ‘Improbable’ would have sufficed for his purposes.
Perhaps he did, but I doubt the response would have been any different. It's unlikely the peer review process could have done anything to eliminate the loathing that Darwinists have for Behe.tragic mishap
September 15, 2009
07:51 AM
That's right. I have often encountered an opinion that ID-ist do not publish in peer-reviewed journals. But who cares? It seems to me that darwinian peer-reviewed journals is some kind of bastion that ID-ist must siege. But I am afraid that only one attack in future would suffice to destroy the whole darwinian mythical town. http://cadra.wordpress.com/VMartin
September 15, 2009
07:03 AM
----"Behe should have at least noted the point and then continue with his argument. But he didn’t, and all the ‘refutations’ he receives from Ken Miller, the ACLU, etc. bear witness to this." Since, as Joseph points out, Behe qualifies his language by insisting that no one could "categorically deny" the possibility, he has covered his bases. The qualification need not happen in the same paragraph. [Books are meant to be read all the way through]. Thus, the problem at Dover [and elsewhere] was not Behe's words but rather the way his words were twisted at some places, ignored at other places, and omitted in still other places. The idea is always to put words in his mouth. The same thing happened when Behe explained that ID would likely be more "plausible" for those who believe in God [using the set-up language of his adversaries who posed the question]. Judge Jones, following the ACLU, wrote in his final decision that Behe had said that ID's plausibility DEPENDS the extent to which one believes in God. Obviously, he said no such thing. Behe fairly summarizes the views of his adversaries, but his adversaries consistently misrepresent his views. It is that long list of misrepresentations that drives the debate, not Behe's alleged missteps.StephenB
September 15, 2009
06:59 AM
Here is the quote from Darwin that Behe cites (DBB, p. 39) which launches his response: ‘If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous,successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.’ (I discuss this in my own book, Dissent over Descent.) The operative word is 'possibly'. It renders Darwin's claim unfalsifiable, if taken literally. Insofar as Darwin's claim is more than a rhetorical flourish, 'possibly' should be read as 'probably'. Behe should have at least noted the point and then continue with his argument. But he didn't, and all the 'refutations' he receives from Ken Miller, the ACLU, etc. bear witness to this. These guys never show that Behe's own account is wrong. Rather they show that there is a possible evolutionary alternative, and since evolution is the dominant paradigm, it's the alternative that should be taken seriously. Behe's rhetorical misstep -- yes, it is only semantics -- has driven this side of the ID debate for the last five years. Of course, Behe may have been rejected anyway, but the opposition would not have been able to score such easy debating points against him. And I'm afraid those things matter in the public arena -- especially given that that is the only arena in which both sides are treated as anything like equals.Steve Fuller
September 15, 2009
05:41 AM
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