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Watch Earth spin from your browser …


Here, courtesy Fox News.

Did we recently dump on Fox News? Well yes but that was about an “extraterrestrial” riff, and our point was, everyone gets silly around ET—Fox, MSNBC, CNN … .

Now this is different, and more like what popular science media can do that is worth one’s time:

You might not have hundreds of thousands of dollars for a seat on Richard Branson’s private shuttle, but one enterprising outfit is about to offer the next best thing: the chance to see the Earth from space, from the comfort of your couch.

With the aid of Russian space authorities, Vancouver-based UrtheCast (pronounced “earthcast”) will launch two cameras into orbit Monday with the immediate goal of streaming images of the Earth back home in near-real time.

For free, Internet users will log on to UrtheCast.com anytime to see the beauty of the big blue ball we live on, as the cameras make the 90-minute revolution around Earth, 16 times a day. It’s a sight few have ever seen before.

No browser required. Mung
Heck, I can watch the earth spin anytime I want if I just drink too much. Mung
Very cool. I signed up. johnp

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