Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Hey, it’s Christmas. I am allowed to be a bit off topic, right? And this is about your daughter …

My favourite mag Salvo has sent round a free article – which turns out to be one I wrote in 2006 – Less than Zero – the drive to be impossibly thin:

Last October, there were some unaccustomed hisses on the Madrid catwalk—directed against gaunt girls. Size 0 scored 0. One in three models, at less than size 8, was ordered offstage by the audience.

Spain isn’t the hottest fashion walk in Europe, but some star-studded runways are grudgingly following its bold move. Maybe the starvation trend has peaked—about time, say many disgusted fashionistas.

In recent years, according to the UK’s Sarah Watkinson, who manages attractive models of normal proportions, “some designers especially like to use incredibly thin girls to wear their clothes because they like the shock aspect. These days more and more very skinny, size-zero models are being used.”

The real shock is that underneath the duds, zeros may hover wispily close to death’s door. One model fell through it last year.

Go here for more, and if you then subscribe to Salvo – a Christian popular culture and science mag – you will make my editor very happy. Me too. He is way easier to deal with when he knows we have funds for the next edition.

But anyway, read this one for free and pass it on. Dying to be thin shouldn’t be anyone’s teen’s ambition, right? And if the fashion world goes under in consequence, well … let ’em eat “Death by Chocolate” Cake!

Also, just up at The Mindful Hack

Non-materialist neuroscientist’s criticisms of current medicine called “well-founded”

A Christmas tale: Neuroscientist discovers hope for stroke victims – and science establishment’s hostility

Neuroscience: Unconscious brain makes best possible choices

Mind: We still have no explanation for why humans have minds – or thoughts

Focus of attention and phenomenal achievement

Mind: We have minds, whether we recognize them or not

Evolutionary psychology: The scam getting nailed at last?

Pop science media: Bruce Thornton on false knowledge

Neuroscience in the News: Here comes the ambiguously described Decade of the Mind

Mind reading technology: In your face and in your mind – or maybe not …

The Hack is my blog on neuroscience and spirituality issues, which supports The Spiritual Brain.

Hey Denyse, I looked at your link about having minds whether we recognize it or not, and I watched the interview with Stephen Pinker. It was kind of funny, I had this idea in my head that Pinker was some obnoxious guy, but he actually seemed really nice. I'm not sure how he is outside of this interview, but if he's like that all the time, at least he's civil in his discussions with others who disagree with him. :-) Although, I found his thoughts funny on the mind, essentially that: our minds are not in a state to comprehend the mind. lolDomoman
January 1, 2009
12:15 AM

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