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Reality: The Wall You Smack Into When You’re Wrong


I’ve been in trial the last couple of weeks, and I am just now coming up for air.  I see the debate has continued in my absence.  Alas, yet another confirmation (as if another were needed) that I am not indispensible.  Thank you to all of our posters, commenters and lurkers, who continue to make this site one of the most robust stops on the internet vis-à-vis the intelligent design debate.

 We live in a post-modern world, and the defense position at trial last week brought that dreary fact forcefully to mind. 

Without going into detail, the trial was about a contract my clients (the plaintiffs) signed in 1996.  The defendant received the benefits of his bargain and was content for 11 years.  Then, when the contract turned to my clients’ benefit in 2007, the defendant refused to pay.  Instead, he hired one of the largest law firms in the world (over 600 lawyers) to get him out of the contract, and these last several months his team of lawyers and paralegals (six strong at last count) have submitted literally hundreds of documents to the court in a feverish effort to convince the judge that – though the defendant said nothing for 11 years – the contract was unenforceable from the beginning. 

Well, that is not entirely accurate.  I should say this is the position on which the defendant finally settled after various other theories failed.  At first he claimed the contract was valid, but my clients’ calculations were wrong, and they owed him money.  When that didn’t work he claimed the entire transaction was a sham, and he knew it from the beginning.  When it came to light he had certified the transaction to the IRS in 1997, his position changed yet again.  Now, his position was that he thought the transaction was valid in the beginning, but after he reviewed the documents in connection with this case he learned he had been hoodwinked.  The transaction was always a sham, but he just hadn’t known it all these years. 

 In golf a “mulligan” is the friendly practice of letting a player get a “do over” if his tee shot goes awry.  I suppose the defendant’s lawyers thought I was going to give them a mulligan and not mention at trial the varied and inconsistent positions they had taken.  But over a million dollars was at stake, so I decided I would pass on the mulligan, and when I had the defendant on the stand the cross went something like this:

 Q.  So if I understand what you’re saying, you didn’t know there was any irregularity with the transaction when you certified it to the IRS in 1996.

 A.  That’s right.

 Q.  In fact, you’re telling me that you never knew there was the slightest problem with this transaction until you reviewed the documents produced in connection with this case.

 A.  That’s right.  I never knew.

 Q.  I have just placed in front of you the sworn affidavit you signed last September.  Do you see paragraph three there?  It says, “I believe [here I raised my voice for effect], AND HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED, the transaction was a sham.”  My question for you is this:  Just now you testified under oath that you NEVER believed there was anything wrong with the transaction.  But last September you swore out an affidavit in which you said you ALWAYS believed the transaction was a sham.  Help me out here.  How can both of those sworn statements be true at the same time?

 This, of course, is the trial lawyer’s dream scene.  He has caught the other party making statements that simply cannot be reconciled.  Both may be false (which is the case here), but there is no way both can be true.  Needless to say, my clients are happy today.

What does this have to do with post-modernism?  Just this.  Over the last few months I have often wondered if the other side really believed they would be able to get away with just “making it up.”  That question was answered by an incident that occurred on the second day of trial.  My paralegal was in the back of a crowded courthouse elevator.  One of the defendant’s lawyers and his paralegal were in the front, and apparently they did not know my paralegal was there, because she overheard them talking about the case.  The lawyer said, “They are presenting their version of reality and we are presenting a competing version of reality.  The case will come down to which version the judge finds compelling.” 

I never thought of myself as “presenting a version of reality.”  My goal was to just get the facts out about what happened, because I have always believed that if the judge knew what actually happened we would win.  It turns out that I am hopelessly old-fashioned about these things.  In our post-modern world there are no immutable “facts” for the judge to know.  There are only competing “narratives,” and she will make her decision based upon which narrative she finds most “compelling.”  And in developing his “narrative,” a lawyer need feel no obligation to quaint outdated notions such as “what actually happened.”  There is no “what actually happened,” because reality is not fixed, objective and immutable.  No, reality is malleable, subjective and constructed. 

I like to say that reality is the practical wall you smack into when you’re theory is wrong.  And thankfully trials are nothing if not practical endeavors.  No matter what a post-modernist might say about “all reality is subjectively constructed,” the truth of the matter is they all look both ways before crossing the street.  And it turns out that judges really do try to determine “what actually happened,” and another name for “presenting a competing version of reality” is “lying under oath,” which judges tend to frown on (as the defendant found out to his dismay).

I hope our opponents who post comments on this site will keep this story in mind.  I hope they think about it the next time they are tempted to write in response to one of the arguments an ID proponent makes, “Well, that’s your reality.  My reality is different.”  It is such a hackneyed, trite and dreary expression.  Worse, it is based on a self-evidently false premise, and, as the defendant found out, it will get you in trouble if you take it seriously.

P4S: Observe, kindly [Wiki has a nice diagram here], that in the tRNA, the anticodon that matches [key-lock style] to the codon triplet [AUG etc] framed in the A site of the ribosome, is on the opposite end to the amino acid, a significant number of nanometres away. And, the AAs are released from the tRNA and attached to one another in a sequenced, controlled chain, forcing chemical bonding in a digitally specified, functional pattern. That onward functionality depends on 3-d folding [which may have to be chaperoned, nb prions as mis-folded proteins . . . mad cow disease, scrapies etc], often on agglomeration of clusters of AA chains, and on incorporation of activating atoms etc.kairosfocus
May 18, 2010
01:46 PM
kairosfocus @279, Take a CD and put it on a turntable. Now lower the arm and with the turntable spinning and the needle contacting the CD, listen. Repeat the same experiment with a vinyl record. You will hear a song being played by the vinyl record, but not the CD. The vinyl record is the song, while the CD contains digital code that represents the sound. You say the DNA is like a CD and I say it is like a vinyl record. There is no level of indirection with DNA as you see with digital music. Claiming that analog processing is proof of digital decoding doesn't fly. Where is the "digital" decoding of the DNA, as opposed to the analog processing, done?Toronto
May 18, 2010
01:38 PM
PPPS: Splicing; note the use of headers and markers to signal where to cut and paste together the mRNA strand that is then passed over to the Ribosome for AA chaining.kairosfocus
May 18, 2010
01:33 PM
PPS: Above was translation to chain AAs. Here NDSU spells out transcription (though it does not detail the DNA unzipping and the sequential addition of mRNA bases).kairosfocus
May 18, 2010
01:23 PM
PS: This video spells it out simply.kairosfocus
May 18, 2010
01:16 PM
Toronto (and Nakashima-San): Kindly look -- yet again -- at the long since well known genetic code table here, noting 4 states per base by 3 bases per codon yields 4^3 - 64 states. Number of discrete states per digit: G/C/A/T (or U for RNA), i.e. four. Next, observe the step by step, finite [start and stop codes!] --i.e. algorithmic -- procedure of transcription, transmission/ translocation, reading and translation -- which implies decoding -- to form a discrete state sequence of 20-state per position amino acids in a chain, i.e. an informationally specified protein, here. In short we see finite purposeful digital information processing using stored digital data transcribed, transferred to a processing unit and then used to form a useful entity under step by step control, from start to finish. (Note this video is of the simpler version, for prokaryotes; we are not dealing with eukaryotes with introns and exons and assembling segments, a further informationally controlled step.) _______________ Onlookers: When you can look at something as directly and patently evident as the above, time after time, and still find yourself in denial and in twisting and turning to find a strained, specious objection, that is telling. It is very plain, that the sort of complex information and programmed information processing in the cell point strongly to the most credible source of such an entity: art, not blind chance and undirected mechanical necessity. That is why there are plainly selectively hyperskeptical and insistent objections that a coded discrete sequence is not a digital code that bears or transfers information or processes it in a step by step finite sequence. If objections are that strained, then the objectors are plainly on the back foot trying to stave off a clean bowl. G'day GEM of TKIkairosfocus
May 18, 2010
01:07 PM
Nakashima, Biochemical Predestination has grown out of favor with the growing knowledge of what is required.Clive Hayden
May 18, 2010
12:35 PM
Mr Hayden, Yes, it would be their chemical interactions. The 3D shape of the RNA and its pattern of positive and negative charges, and how that fits (or doesn't) with the shape and charge distribution of the amino acid. For some parts of the genetic code, the stereochemical hypothesis holds that codon XXX means amino acid Y because they have some chemical affinity to each other. Such an affinity isn't the same as forming a long term bond to each other as part of the same molecule. If you were looking at a mix of RNAs and amino acids in a test tube, the affinity might be characterized as the two molecules staying close to each other for longer than you would expect based on probability alone. As a made-up example, UUU and phenylalanine (which don't have a great affinity for each other according to this research) might typically hang around each other for one bazillionth of a second, while CGG and arginine might hang around near each other for two bazillionths of a second. As has been mentioned before by several people on both sides of the OOL debate, being in the same place at the same time is the first prerequisite for any association to form. (Note that while Mr BiPed was speaking about thymine (T) and phenylalanine, the actual genetic code is an association of uracil and phenylalanine - U being substituted for T when passing from DNA to RNA.) Other parts of the code might be frozen accidents or preferred for error reducing reasons over competing codes. Research in this area proceeds on the hypothesis that the code did not form all at once, or necessarily quickly.Nakashima
May 18, 2010
10:53 AM
Nakashima, Correct me if I am wrong, but are you stating with the article that you linked that DNA is not coded information?above
May 18, 2010
10:23 AM
[W]hile at the same time arguing that there is considerable evidence for other sections of the genetic code being determined by chemical affinities.
What would those chemical "affinities" be, reckon? It wouldn't be their chemical interactions. What do you mean by "affinities"?Clive Hayden
May 18, 2010
10:05 AM
--Aleta: "I believe this subject got adequately sometime with you sometime in the past year or so, and I’m not going to get involved in that." Is this another case of a Darwinist believing that a thing can both be true and false at the same time, that is, "you are not going to get involved," yet you are going to get involved. --"Seeking natural explanations has been what science has been about for 500 years." The issue is not about whether science is or has been "primarily" about natural explanations. The issue is about whether science is or has been "exclusively" about natural explanations. To the first point, the answer is yes; to the second point, the answer is no. ---"I know what your position is, and I don’t agree with you." Apparently, you don't know my position, because you always fail to make the critical distinction that I just made. --"But it is a fact – not prescribed by an elite but just a fact about how people behave – that science seeks natural explanations." It is a fact that you continue to miss the distinction, as is evident in that comment. --"A very small minority of ID advocates want to change this, but that is not a sufficient reason for saying that things have changed." What has changed is the fact that one group of scientists have tried to establish a rule that others must follow. That is a change and that is a fact. But since you are not getting involved, I will, nevertheless, look forward to your uninvolved response.StephenB
May 18, 2010
07:26 AM
Upright BiPed @265,
No analogies are needed.
But it is ID's analogy I am addressing. In order for DNA to be considered a "digital" code, as has been stated many times by kairosfocus and others, there must be a "digital" decoding support mechanism. If you cannot show me that "digital" decoding mechanism, then you have not shown that DNA is "digital code" and kairosfocus and others who think that are clearly wrong.Toronto
May 18, 2010
05:08 AM
4] Trying to dismiss the issue of the evident self-referential incoherence of evolutionary materialism by tagging it with the name "Plantinga" and dismissing without further serious consideration Alvin Plantinga is of course a leading philosopher, whose arguments have cogently addressed q broad range of serious issues; so they should not be dismissed out of hand by a negative appeal to authority: I do not listen to that one. Letus again observe teh actual issue onthe evidence tha tshows that evoutionary marteilaist reducitonism reduced mind to brfain conrrolled by forces of genetic and socio-cultural conditioning etc, thus is self referential and incoherent. For, if reasoning, deciding, choosing etc are indeed subjective choices but those choices are in turn wholly produced and controlled by chance and necessity independent of logical ground and consequent -- i.e. I here show my actual chain of intellectual debt to C S Lewis -- and the force of ought, then even such materialism is determined by forces that have nothing to do with logic, truth, evidence or reasonableness. Citing history of biology prof William Provine at he 1998 University of Tennessee Darwin Day keynote speech:
Naturalistic evolution has clear consequences that Charles Darwin understood perfectly. 1) No gods worth having exist; 2) no life after death exists; 3) no ultimate foundation for ethics exists; 4) no ultimate meaning in life exists; and 5) human free will is nonexistent . . . . humans are locally determined systems< that make choices. They have, however, no free will . . .
So, prof Provine made choices to speak and what to say, but the actual substance was causally determined by forces that trace to chance circumstances and mechanically necessary forces. So, there is no ground on such premises for the truth or falsity of claims, or for the logical consequents of such truths to lead a willing mind to a true and sound conclusion. The feeling that we are reasoning, in short, reduces to an illusion, on such premises. Thus, reduction to self-referential absurdity as was pointed out above:
. . . [evolutionary] materialism [a worldview that often likes to wear the mantle of "science"] . . . argues that the cosmos is the product of chance interactions of matter and energy, within the constraint of the laws of nature. Therefore, all phenomena in the universe, without residue, are determined by the working of purposeless laws acting on material objects, under the direct or indirect control of chance. But human thought, clearly a phenomenon in the universe, must now fit into this picture. Thus, what we subjectively experience as "thoughts" and "conclusions" can only be understood materialistically as unintended by-products of the natural forces which cause and control the electro-chemical events going on in neural networks in our brains. (These forces are viewed as ultimately physical, but are taken to be partly mediated through a complex pattern of genetic inheritance ["nature"] and psycho-social conditioning ["nurture"], within the framework of human culture [i.e. socio-cultural conditioning and resulting/associated relativism].) Therefore, if materialism is true, the "thoughts" we have and the "conclusions" we reach, without residue, are produced and controlled by forces that are irrelevant to purpose, truth, or validity. Of course, the conclusions of such arguments may still happen to be true, by lucky coincidence — but we have no rational grounds for relying on the “reasoning” that has led us to feel that we have “proved” them. And, if our materialist friends then say: “But, we can always apply scientific tests, through observation, experiment and measurement,” then we must note that to demonstrate that such tests provide empirical support to their theories requires the use of the very process of reasoning which they have discredited! Thus, evolutionary materialism reduces reason itself to the status of illusion. But, immediately, that includes “Materialism.” . . . . In the end, materialism is based on self-defeating logic.
Materialists typically dismiss, but cannot cogently reply to this. For the cogency of an attempted reply depends on appeal to the minds and to the freely willed logical reasoning process that such a worldview so confidently dismisses. As a way out of the materialist trap, I have long since drawn attention to what Eng Derek Smith suggests: we may profitably view the brain-body system as a supervised i/o MIMO control loop, with the mind acting as a supervisory controller, that interacts informationally and perceptually. Perhaps, Penrose and Hameroff's microtubules are a suitable site for quantum level influence of mind on body and sensing of body-brain state by mind. In any case, we are far more directly conscious of ourselves as minded, enconscienced,conscious creatures, than we are of any experiences of he world we have via this primary experience of ourselves as beings. I join with the millions who for excellent common sense reason, hold that any worldview that brings this prime reality into question, decisively undercuts its own credibility. For it is self-referentially absurd, even if it is labelled "science." _______________ GEM of TKIkairosfocus
May 18, 2010
02:40 AM
2] Recirculating already answered but now buried objections One of the rhetorical stratagems I have seen over the years with evo mat advocates is how often they recirculate already answered, fallacious objections, refusing to engage in real progressive dialogue. In thread after thread the same weak objections come up, and no matter how cogently they are answered in thread or by weak argument correctives, after a pause, they will be trotted out again. And again. Sometimes, even within the same thread. This happened with the issue of the materialist definition of science, and, in the cross-thread form, it has also happened with: 3] Trying to indict the God of the Bible as moral monster and those who follow Him as "accomplices" Just above, Seversky has again tried to rebut my having pointed out to him [May 11 Bad theology thread, no 36] the actual definitive core of Biblical morality, its significance in many reformation and liberation movements across long centuries, by diverting the discussion to a longstanding village atheist atmosphere-poisoning objection now latterly taken up by the new atheists:
I have no need of rhetoric. The stories are all there in the Bible for anyone to read and I would invite anyone who’s interested to do just that; read it and judge for yourself.
a --> This first neatly side-steps the inherent amorality of evolutionary materialist atheism, as CH has pointed out again (and as was repeatedly pointed out). b --> The appeal to "judge for yourself" implies that moral obligations are binding, i.e. there must be an IS that grounds OUGHT. c --> Again [as has been repeatedly dismissed or studiously ignored, not answered on the merits], the only such adequate is, is a good and wise Creator God, who makes a cosmos in accord with his nature, and in creating creatures capable of moral self-government and of love, are able to choose to love and act on love. Such creatures, even if they sometimes choose wrongly, bring a whole new order of good in the cosmos. d --> By contrast, evolutionary materialists are forced to appeal to "consensus" or such like relativist terms. But, when the consensus of a society is that say blacks or Jews are subhumans and may be enslaved or eliminated, then by definition that is "moral." And, would be reformers trying to "judge for [them]selves" are by definition immoral and unjust. (This is just one of many ways in which relativist amorlaity fails to provide a sound basis for moral reasoning.) e --> In short, radical relativists are either muddle headed on morality, parasiting off the remaining bits of traditional views they accept [for now], and/or they are manipulators trying to cast bits and pieces of moral reasoning against one another, to stir up our emotions and discredit the whole to get through their particular agenda of the moment. f --> For after all, if morality is merely the "consensus" of a community, whatever the power brokers are willing to fight for is by definition "right": i.e. might makes right. g --> So, when such an evolutionary materialist, radical relativist makes a moral objection, we need to first challenge him to ground OUGHT, or else sit by in silence, instead of allowing him to twist our hearts and minds into whatever agenda he is currently pursuing. here, trying to indict God and those who may follow him as moral monsters. h --> We may then send him to examine the actual core of Biblical Morality, demanding that he not only ground the force of oughtness on a morally sound worldview foundation, but that he respect the core heritage of our civilisation by first simply acknowledging that it exists, right there in the text as the declarative primary principles of morality:
(1)Matt. 7:12 . . . in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (2) Matt 22:37 – 40: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. (3) Rom 13:8 – 10: “8 . . . he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. 9The commandments, “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,”[a] and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 10 Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” (a) Deuteronomy 6:1 – 18: These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe . . . Hear, O Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey . . . . Hear, O Israel, the LORD your God is one [Heb., echad: complex, rather than simple, unity. (This verse is the Shema, the great prayer/creed of Judaism.)]. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them . . . . When the LORD your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers . . . then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery . . . Do what is right and good in the LORD’s sight, so that it may go well with you . . . (b)Leviticus 19:15 – 18: Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favouritism to the great, but judge your neighbour fairly. Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbour frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbour as yourself. I am the LORD.
i --> For many days now, Sev has been utterly unable to simply acknowledge that these texts exist or that they are the declarative core of Biblical morality, not to mention that they have played a key role in many reformation and liberation movements in our civilisation across the long centuries. j --> As, I know full well as the descendant of slaves and the spiritual heir of the gospel-driven reformers who fought for fifty years to end that institution. Which, I brought to Sev's attention only to be studiously ignored. (And of course this reflects yet another biblical principle, the hardness of hearts principle and how reforms have to reckon with what is feasible at a given stage of civilisation.) k --> So, Sev needs to know that until I can see evidence of balance and dialogue on his part, I have to view him as an agenda-driven advocate, seeking to object, twist and manipulate to overthrow, and in a context of an amoral radically relativist worldview that is a proven threat to civlisation; as the ghosts of 100+ million victims of atheistical or evolutionary materialism-dominated regimes over the past 100 years moan out to us in grim warning. l --> Now, too, in the other thread, I cited the dialogue between God and his prophet over the warned but averted destructive judgement of Assyria, a cruel predatory regime that was a plague on the earth in those days. Hear Jonah's objection to God's relenting in Judgment as the leaders and people sought forgiveness and mercy:
Joh 4:1 But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. 2 He prayed to the LORD, “O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3 Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”
m --> If God was simply the capricious, homicidal maniac and moral monster that Sev would portray, why is it that Jonah -- who plainly wanted the Assyrian threat against Israel wiped out -- why then did Jonah know right off that God was likely to treat the Assyrians with compassion and forgiveness? n --> The answer is that his words and deeds across the centuries of relationship with Israel and the nations, even where he was acting as Judge, showed that God was gracious and compassionate. So, while indeed there is a severity of the God of the Bible that is at times a painful challenge [a healthy sign that principles of morality are influencing us], at the same time, he is compassionate and relents in destructive national judgement [in effect a war of containment and breaking up of power centres of spreading destructive evil: oh Jamaica, oh America . . . ]where even a tiny fraction will turn in repentance. (Cf Gen 19.) o --> So, radical relativist, evolutionary materialism influenced objectors to the God of the Bible and biblical morality should understand that informed theists of the Judaeo-Christian tradition see that first principles of morality are first principles, and recognise that while the God of the Bible may indeed act with severity in national judgment [including against Israel many, many times], such is tempered by compassion and may often be averted if a people will repent, even at the last. p --> And, we recognise that the magistrate's duty of wielding the sword of justice in defense of the civil peace of justice, likewise calls for due severity on the part of people who need to simultaneously be of the highest character and compassion. This is a tension, and is utterly painful for the men and women who make our best civil authorities; but in a world in which there are determined evildoers [individual and collective] who cannot be reasoned with, the power of the sword of justice is an ugly necessity. q --> And, from this, we can see a little bit of how the same extends to the God of the Bible as supreme judge and magistrate of the world. r --> So, onlookers, you are invited to look on the alternatives in light of comparative difficulties. (Note, this includes examining this cluster of evidence that points to the reality of the God of the Bible in light of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, as attested to by the 500+ witnesses at the core of the church's foundation.) [ . . . ]kairosfocus
May 18, 2010
02:39 AM
Onlookers: A lot of the above would be funny, if the import were not so sad and damaging to our future as a civilisation. Let's go back for a moment to the original post, in which Mr Arrington had a case of a client having to deal with someone who had an "alternative" reality, and sought to operate by the judicial philosophy that truth is a matter of persuasive power of different narratives and talking points. Truth, friends, is utterly different from that. Let us remind ourselves from Aristotle in Metaphysics 1011b: truth says of what is, that it is; and of what is not, that it is not. (Y'know, that basic definition we learned the hard way when our parents smacked us for fibbing. Yup, it is still true.) Okay, now, let us deal with several cases of artful talking points that are being touted so strongly above, on a priori evolutionary materialist "alternative reality." 1] Redefining science as a search for naturalistic explanations In his second major work, Opticks, Query 31 [the same in which he spoke of the origin of nature by the work of an intelligent Creator and how having so been created natural laws and forces would act to keep it going for many ages], Newton discussed the core method of natural philosophy [i.e science as epistemic process]:
As in Mathematicks, so in Natural Philosophy, the Investigation of difficult Things by the Method of Analysis, ought ever to precede the Method of Composition. This Analysis consists in making Experiments and Observations, and in drawing general Conclusions from them by Induction, and admitting of no Objections against the Conclusions, but such as are taken from Experiments, or other certain Truths. For Hypotheses are not to be regarded in experimental Philosophy. And although the arguing from Experiments and Observations by Induction be no Demonstration of general Conclusions; yet it is the best way of arguing which the Nature of Things admits of, and may be looked upon as so much the stronger, by how much the Induction is more general. And if no Exception occur from Phaenomena, the Conclusion may be pronounced generally. But if at any time afterwards any Exception shall occur from Experiments, it may then begin to be pronounced with such Exceptions as occur. By this way of Analysis we may proceed from Compounds to Ingredients, and from Motions to the Forces producing them; and in general, from Effects to their Causes, and from particular Causes to more general ones, till the Argument end in the most general. This is the Method of Analysis: And the Synthesis consists in assuming the Causes discover'd, and establish'd as Principles, and by them explaining the Phaenomena proceeding from them, and proving the Explanations.
From this we can easily see the historical root of the traditional simple dictionary or high school level "definition" of science, and its methods as I cited earlier (and as was studiously ignored):
science: a branch of knowledge conducted on objective principles involving the systematized observation of and experiment with phenomena, esp. concerned with the material and functions of the physical universe. [Concise Oxford, 1990] scientific method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge [”the body of truth, information and principles acquired by mankind”] involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. [Webster's 7th Collegiate, 1965]
In this we can easily see the root of the sort of definitions of science that dominate the list I linked earlier [notice how it has been passed over in silence], and especially of the best of them, the Ohio definition that was correctively adopted by the whistle-blowing sub-group of the special committee on science issues to the KS Board in 2005, and which that Board accepted:
“Science is a systematic method of continuing investigation, that uses observation, hypothesis testing, measurement, experimentation, logical argument and theory building, to lead to more adequate explanations of natural phenomena.”
Q: So, why the alternative reality definition of science as a search for natural[istic] causes? A: Ideology, as Lewontin pointed out. In more details: a --> It is a longstanding and empirically well supported observation that some things show reliably consistent patterns of behaviour. For instance [cf the exchange above on this], if we drop a heavy object like a rock, reliably it falls at 9.8 N/kg. b --> Such behaviour, we attribute tot he causal factor of natural law, rooted in forces of mechanical necessity. In this case, a certain falling apple while the moon swung by in orbit led Newton to see the law of Gravitation. c --> But also, some aspects of phenomena are quite variable. E.g. if the dropped heavy object is a fair die, it tumbles to read from 1 to 6 in a highly variable fashion, i.e it exhibits high contingency. d --> This, we commonly attribute to chance circumstances and/or forces, leading to credibly undirected, statistical, probabilistic patterns. (We may define chance as undirected stochastic contingency, ad commonly study it, not least for its impact on errors of observation in science.) e --> The astute reader will note that above we mentioned a FAIR die. This, because there is another type of contingency, DIRECTED CONTINGENCY, or design. So, as the gaming houses of Las Vegas know all too well, there are loaded dice, which show observable patterns of behaviour that reflect intelligently directed, purposeful actions. As wiki observes in the just linked, by way of damaging admission by a hostile witness:
A loaded (or gaffed or cogged or weighted or crooked or gag) die is one that has been tampered [intelligent act] with to [purposeful act] land with a selected side [willful act] facing upwards more often than it otherwise would simply by chance [empirically distinguishable from what we expect from chance, exploiting the forces and materials of nature, e.g. "in the case of a wooden die, this can be done by carving the die around a heavy inclusion, like a pebble around which a tree has grown"].
f --> So, again (and from yet another angle), we see the underlying basis for analysing and distinguishing aspects of observable outcomes, objects, processes or phenomena in terms of the classic causal factors: natural ones tracing to chance and necessity, and artificial ones tracing to intelligence. g --> That is, we see why the explanatory filter is quite relevant and important, if science is to be the unfettered (but ethically and intellectually responsible) progressive pursuit of the truth about our world, based on observation, experiment, analysis and theorising, testing and discussion among the informed. h --> In particular, we may use the filter to identify certain reliable signs of art working by intelligence. For instance, functionally specific, complex organisation and associated information in our observation reliably traces to art, not chance and not mechanical necessity. i --> As a case in point, we may readily distinguish alphanumeric character strings tracing to chance [i38febhwsjufvhu9w] from those tracing to necessity and set initial circumstance [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] from [those tracing to purposeful intelligent action]. j --> This last category - as TGP so often points out -- uses defined symbols in accord with rules of meaning, communication and/or function. k --> The associated FSCI leads to a configuration space that is so large that the set of meaningful, contextually responsive strings is too deeply isolated on islands of function to allow chance driven processes to scan enough of the space to make it credible that one could have hit on such a string by chance. [Highly contingent outcomes are not traceable to necessity.] l --> So, we have excellent reason to see that scientific investigations may (and in fact routinely do; e.g. we isolate law-like regularities on a graph from random scatter due to chance errors, and from biases introduced by procedures and instrument calibration) explain causal patterns by factors tracing to chance, necessity and intelligence. m --> And, that such is done based on empirically observable, reliable signs of each main causal factor and how it may affect an aspect of the object or process or phenomenon under study. n --> So, we have no credible, objective basis for trying to redefine science as "the human activity of seeking natural explanations of the world around us." o --> For, this a priori rules out investigation of a known causal factor that affects objects we may study scientifically, and which may be of interest, if we seek to learn the truth about our world scientifically. p --> As to why this rule has been imposed in recent decades by evolutionary materialism dominated institutions, we may best understand it by consulting the well known remarks of the Harvard Agassiz professor, Lewontin in his NYRB article of 1997:
To Sagan, as to all but a few other scientists, it is self-evident that the practices of science provide the surest method of putting us in contact with physical reality [which to materialists is all of reality] . . . . It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door . . .
p --> That is why such materialists can look at the digitally coded complex functional information and algorithmic, step by step transcription, processing and translation of it into the workhorse protein molecules of cell based life using specialised molecular nanomachines, and tell us with a straight facethat even though they have no credible model of origin of cell based life, it must have happened only by chance and necessity, and that to suggest that our experiences of codes, programs and execut6ing machinery suggests a different source -- art -- is improper injection of religion into sicnece. (After all, science has been redefined as materialist atheism by the back door route of excluding all other possibilities; on the false claim that this is how modern science has worked for centuries. [As we saw above, Newton knew better, and the procedures he identified -- which not only work well but are the basis of the classic high school level "definitions" of science and its methods, were definitely rooted in theistic soil]) [ . . . ]kairosfocus
May 18, 2010
02:37 AM
Mr BiPed, Specifically related to TTT and phenylanaline, this article on the stereochemical hypothesis argues no, while at the same time arguing that there is considerable evidence for other sections of the genetic code being determined by chemical affinities.Nakashima
May 17, 2010
10:12 PM
I have no need of rhetoric. The stories are all there in the Bible for anyone to read and I would invite anyone who’s interested to do just that; read it and judge for yourself.
I judge that the stories show God as a just God. Do you have a standard to disagree with my judgment other than your own personal whim? Would you also tell me that I am wrong, and wrong in the same subjective way, for not liking cheese?Clive Hayden
May 17, 2010
09:57 PM
Seversky @ 264 I have a question for you, Sev. Why is being a hypocrite (not that God is, but for the sake of argument...) morally offensive to you? If you ground all explanations for everything in natural laws (physics) then which one of those physical laws tells us it's wrong to murder, steal, lie, or do anything? Just curious.tgpeeler
May 17, 2010
09:50 PM
Aleta @ 260 "For instance, I don’t think your arguments about how language invalidates naturalism is at all compelling. The ability to attach meanings and understandings to sounds is a skill embedded in our biology, with a long evolutionary history." Why is that? I mean other than saying it's not compelling, but that isn't much of an argument. I don't find your lack of compulsion compelling, let's say. Would that impress you? For one thing, the ability to "attach meanings and blah blah blah..." looks for all the world to me like circular reasoning. In other words, you assume what you try to prove. Language isn't anything other than an evolutionary thing, doncha know, and since the evolutionary thing is true, well then, there you have it, language is an evolutionary artifact. Not quite. But I'm a fair guy so let me help you with the strategy you must use to attack the argument. The argument is of the form modus tollens. If P. Q. ~Q. Therefore, ~P. It's a valid form which means if the premises are true then the conclusion is necessarily true. Since it's valid, all you can do is attack my premises. So what are those? If naturalism is true (If P), then physics, or natural laws, can explain everything (then Q). (This is actually true by definition. That's what naturalism means. That's what causal closure means.) But physics, or natural laws, cannot explain language, i.e. "everything" (~Q). This is true by reason of the previous discussion. Languages are sets of symbols governed by rules. Physics has nothing to say of this. Ever. I know. I asked a physicist. A real one. Of course, he could have been pulling my leg but I did some other looking around and I don't think he is. I mean, physics is about fundamental particles in energy fields and it's about general and special relativity, and the Standard Model, and thermodynamics, and maybe string theory, you know, stuff like that - matter and energy. But oddly enough, none of the equations of physics (written in the universal language of mathematics - and the natural laws are, I love this part, supernatural - the laws of nature are outside of nature because they are not physical) that reveal those truths of nature have a thing to say about why "cat" means a certain kind of mammal and why "act" means something done, or to do something, or a segment of a play. Therefore, the conclusion is that naturalism is not true (~P). It can't be any other way. Ironically enough, not even God can make this not true, that naturalism is false. You have to show that one of my premises is false in order to defeat the argument. But you can't do that. No one can. Because they are (almost) trivially true. No one can argue that naturalism allows for non-natural causes because everybody knows that naturalism means only natural causes. No one can argue that physics explains language because language involves symbols and rules and not sub-atomic particles in energy fields. Naturalism is so patently false that I am continually astonished that otherwise intelligent and educated people (not that I'm either of those) can't see that in a second. Especially when it's so clearly set forth in the form of a valid argument. So the naturalist has a serious problem here whether you want to realize it or not. You cannot explain language, any language, given the explanatory resources of naturalism. Which are, again, the laws of physics. However, if you can show me how one of the premises is false, then I'll change my mind about this. p.s. The really cool thing about this particular argument is that language cannot be denied. To deny language is to use language which creates a self-contradiction. Thus, the typical naturalist move, which is to deny that which they cannot explain (design becomes "apparent design" and so on) is not available here because of the internal contradiction the denial of language generates. If for example, we were arguing about how physics has nothing to say about why it's wrong to be rude to a waiter someone could merely deny the existence of real morality. They do it all the time. But they cannot deny language. Checkmate.tgpeeler
May 17, 2010
09:46 PM
Toronto: "This support mechanism is required to take encoded information and turn it into some sort of physical output. The ID side has never identified or described this mechanism that would support the decoding of DNA or any claimed life information." The mechanisms of protein synthesis (output) are not unknown. What is unknown is how matter can create a semiotic abstraction of itself and instantiate that into a medium (while at the same time creating a translation appartatus which can decode the information and create function). And by the way, TTT is a semiotic representation for phenylalanine in DNA. Is it not? Is there some material evidence that three nucleobases of thymine should represent phenylalanine prior to translation? There is nothing whatsoever you can do to thymine to result in phenylalanine. One thing actually stands for the other (and does so only in the context of a living organism). No analogies are needed.Upright BiPed
May 17, 2010
09:10 PM
kairosfocus @ 222
You spent several posts above using typical New Atheist rhetoric [which is a recycling of long since past sell-by date traditional outrageous village atheist rhetoric] to try to indict the God of Judaeo-Christian Theism as a genocidal moral monster, and those who follow such a God as “accomplices.”
I have no need of rhetoric. The stories are all there in the Bible for anyone to read and I would invite anyone who's interested to do just that; read it and judge for yourself. As for God's words in Jonah, they stand in stark contrast to His and His people's actions elsewhere in the OT which exposes Him to the charge of hypocrisy. Neither Wilberforce's eminence as a social reformer nor that it was inspired by his faith is in question. I have acknowledged repeatedly that many Christians have done good work for the same reasons but I think that, if you look around the world, you will find other people who have been inspired to to good works by their faith in Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism. You may even find some atheists if you look very hard. Purely as an aside, I found this interesting post arguing in passing that that there were economic forces in play at the time which also contributed to the abolition of slavery.Seversky
May 17, 2010
07:58 PM
Upright BiPed @262,
The core of Sooner’s objection seems to be that DNA is not a complete abstraction of the organism, and therefore perhaps, isn’t one at all. He notes “there’s not an abstract representation of the body plan in the DNA” as if one might be looking for a little drawing of a bunny with a bushy tail along with the requisite parts lists and assembly instructions.
I think what he means is that there is no support mechanism for handling the level of indirection implied when calling DNA a code. A computer for example, which is usually used by the ID side as an analogy, contains that support mechanism in the form of registers, a program counter, an ALU, D/A converters and so on. This support mechanism is required to take encoded information and turn it into some sort of physical output. The ID side has never identified or described this mechanism that would support the decoding of DNA or any claimed life information.Toronto
May 17, 2010
07:47 PM
Checking back in, I see that Sooner attempted a rebuttal that DNA is not an encoded abstraction. After reading his post, I was wondering if it could have been more trivial. For instance, I say that DNA uses the context and rules of language in order to contain encoded information about the organism. He objects to the word “uses”, replying that “DNA does not use anything”. This is a powerful observation, of course. Just this morning I was leaving the dry cleaner and as I was walking out the door the clerk told me to “Take Care”. I had to step back in and tell him I was unsure how to “take” care, or how to leave it. (I suppose if Nirenberg used poly-u to decipher the encoded information for adding phenylalanine during protein synthesis, then I can be forgiven for saying that DNA uses UUU to code for phenylalanine during protein synthesis). The core of Sooner’s objection seems to be that DNA is not a complete abstraction of the organism, and therefore perhaps, isn’t one at all. He notes “there’s not an abstract representation of the body plan in the DNA” as if one might be looking for a little drawing of a bunny with a bushy tail along with the requisite parts lists and assembly instructions. The fact that a daughter organism requires a parent (for various reasons) has been covered repeatedly on this website at several different levels, and is generally well known. I myself have talked about it, quoting the physiologist Peter Macklem on the subject from an essay he wrote regarding Schrodinger’s challenge. Why Sooner would believe that this somehow negates the role of DNA as an abstracted information source is a mystery. It doesn’t negate it one bit. In fact, it is easily seen as a further problem for a purely materialistic account, given that it raises once again the chicken and egg dilemma from a physiological perspective (see Polanyi). Bottom line: The organism’s proteome and transcriptome are generated by the information contained among the sequencing of nucleotides in its DNA.Upright BiPed
May 17, 2010
07:26 PM
kairosfocus @ 218
You need to reckon with the inescapable self-referential incoherence of evolutionary materialism, and its resulting inability to ground either a credible mind or morality.
You need to find something more effective than Plantinga's labored arguments if you want to dent materialism. So our "cognitive faculties" are "unreliable" when it comes to forming "true beliefs", are they? Well, this may come as a shock to both of you but science is actually aware of the problem. That's why there is that emphasis on replication in case you hadn't realized. As for the degree of unreliability, Quine put it succinctly when he wrote:
Creatures inveterately wrong in their inductions have a pathetic but praise-worthy tendency to die before reproducing their kind.
Now, we're still here and we've done quite well for ourselves thus far, so we must be getting something right in spite of Plantinga's dog-in-the-mangerism.
However, it will be clear to onlookers that you are staring at a reductio ad absurdum and riding it off the cliff into self-referential incoherence and amorality.
You know, we could save an awful lot of space if you could resist these unnecessary rhetorical flourishes.Seversky
May 17, 2010
07:21 PM
Hi tg. You write, "IF science is defined as the search for natural explanations (a deficient characterization in my view) on the one hand but on the other hand the natural world is declared to be all that exists (the prevailing view), I think one can see the circularity of this line of thinking." The belief that the natural world is all that exists is not the "prevailing view" of all scientists world-wide: if you look at all the scientists world-wide, I am virtually certain that a large majority believe in some kind of non-material aspect of the universe - spirit, soul, God, the Tao, whatever, and that most of all these are satisfied that science as seeking natural explanations defines what they do as scientists. No one here seems to want to address this fact, other than declaring that all such people are cowards or naive, which I am sure is false. tg says,'On the other hand, IF there is more than nature and science is really interested in causes, then it seems to me that science would be amenable to any line of rational inquiry that could shed light on this subject. But this is not what we see. We see a rabid refusal to even consider RATIONAL arguments when it comes to origins that point to something outside of nature." I don't think it is a rabid refusal - I think it is reasoned conclusion that the arguments given are not compelling, and do not add anything to science, although some of them are reasonable philosophical or religious speculations for people to consider (although some have considered those and rejected them also.) For instance, I don't think your arguments about how language invalidates naturalism is at all compelling. The ability to attach meanings and understandings to sounds is a skill embedded in our biology, with a long evolutionary history.Aleta
May 17, 2010
06:45 PM
Aleta @ 229 "kj, there are many, many scientists, and educated people in general, who are not materialists and who accept science as the search for natural explanations." This is part of the problem. We are careless with the philosophy you disparage later in this post. IF science is defined as the search for natural explanations (a deficient characterization in my view) on the one hand but on the other hand the natural world is declared to be all that exists (the prevailing view), I think one can see the circularity of this line of thinking. On the other hand, IF there is more than nature and science is really interested in causes, then it seems to me that science would be amenable to any line of rational inquiry that could shed light on this subject. But this is not what we see. We see a rabid refusal to even consider RATIONAL arguments when it comes to origins that point to something outside of nature. "Those clamoring to do otherwise have not shown how searching for non-natural causes is possible – rather, those clamoring to do otherwise have been shown to be primarily interested in introducing philosophical and religious speculations into science, which basically is asking us to go back about 500 years." This is simply not true. We have explained until blue in the face about how "non-natural" i.e. intelligent causes are possible. But since you may not be familiar with, in my view, the most devastating critique of naturalism, let me state it briefly one more time. If naturalism (the idea that all that exists is nature - the ontological piece, and the idea that nature is causally closed, that is, everything can be explained by reference to the laws of physics - the epistemological piece) is true, then naturalism (physics) can explain language. But physics cannot explain language because physics has nothing to say about symbols and rules, i.e. language. Therefore, naturalism cannot explain everything and its claim to be able to do so is false. You will recognize modus tollens, a valid form of argument. There is no part of physics that has a thing to do with why one set of symbols and rules means something and why another language can say the same thing using different symbols and rules. It is raining. Es regnet. For example. Note that I am not making this about genetic language and biological information, although that is exactly what the argument is about, but for this I keep the argument in the realm of human language which is undeniably real and yet which cannot ever be explained by physics. Naturalism is kaput. It should be abandoned as quickly as possible by all thinking people. "Most people would rather stick with what has worked." I can only speak for myself but I would rather stick with what is true, whatever that turns out to be. The problem for the naturalist, if we want to be rigorous in our thinking, is how to get from quarks, leptons, and the four fundamental forces to the symbols and rules of a language which are able to encode, transmit, and decode information. When you or anyone can do that simple task then it will be POSSIBLE for you to be right. Until then, anybody can see that intelligence/mind precedes language and information. The denial of intelligence as a cause in nature would actually be funny if it weren't so damaging (as aptly noted by kf time and again). Think of it, when looking at a thread like this, who among us thinks, "oh, look, another amazing display of the power of quantum physics!" No. We think that someone, an intelligent being, assembled the letters of the English language and arranged them according to the conventions or rules of English in order to communicate a message. It takes a mind to do this. If you have another way that a language can be explained I'm sure we would all be interested to hear it.tgpeeler
May 17, 2010
05:27 PM
PPPS: Onlookers, cf the c. 2001 Ohio standard as just linked and the KS 2005 standard.kairosfocus
May 17, 2010
05:17 PM
PPS: Remember, the 2001KS standards were a novelty injected by an ideological materialism dominated board. (Compare contemporary state level definitions of science here and you will clearly see that KS 2001 is distinctly and jarringly out of step in the direction of materialist ideologisation of science, as was being pushed att hat time. To correct ideological imposition is not to reverse "the" correct definition of science. In short the NAS was using the fallacy of turnabout accusation; and to identify fallacies and show why such are fallacies is not an improper move in discussion. Sorry, it happens to be true that routinely, evolutionary materialist ideologues use red herring distractors to change the subject to what they prefer [notice how far we are form the actual focus for this thread . . . though we are seeing side-lights on the construction of alternative "realities"], they routinely then distort the position of those they oppose using strawmen caricatures and they often soak those caricatures in oily, flammable ad hominems that they ignite with incendiary rhetoric [start from "ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked and go down the scale of uncivil invective and name-calling etc from there . . .], clouding, polarising and poisoning the atmosphere. Just go to any of dozens of popular evolutionary materialist advocacy sites to see such in action.)kairosfocus
May 17, 2010
05:12 PM
to GEM: No, the 2001 and 2007 definitions do not presume any worldview. I know many religious people who support that definition. If one examines the supporting documents behind the ID minority definition, it is clear that opening science up to supernatural explanations was the purpose of their definition, and it would have been quite wrong to tell high schools students that that was acceptable in science. Nor to I see the "threat" in the NAS statement. They pointed out that students would be poorly prepared to understand the nature of science under these circumstances, which would have been true if in fact teaching to that standard would have become widely implemented. And I don't think my views are going to change overnight.Aleta
May 17, 2010
05:10 PM
Oops - replying too quickly: "Stephen at 249: I believe this subject got adequately discussed with you sometime in the past year or so, ..." is what I meant to writeAleta
May 17, 2010
05:01 PM
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