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Isn’t It Nice, When Things “Just Work”?



I wonder on the Honda advertisement: 1) How many components were used? 2) How many parameters were there in configuring these parts for THIS application - (not the original use.) 3) What are the Starting conditions needed? 4) How important is the Order of these steps? 5) What was the energy released in each step, vs the energy needed to reset each components in the system. 6) How many "intelligent engineers" - or "intelligent agents" were used to develop this system. 7) What is the probability of arriving at all these steps by chance by the proverbial tornado in the junkyard? What parallels can we learn from this example of systems developed by intelligent agents to biological systems? How can we apply such principles to GilDogen's DNA Supercoiling example? DLH
DLH, The last link is the one. Thanks! http://www.dnatube.com/view_video2.php?viewkey=298bb9930789c8ed59d4&featuredesc= Check this out, and explain to me how RV&NS engineered this little bit of technology, step by tiny step. GilDodgen
Some further notes on the Honda commercial. It is two minutes long, meaning Honda shelled out a pretty penny every time it aired. Probably one of the most, if not the most, expensive commercial in history. More important to ID, though, is that there are no computer simulations involved. None. It took 606 attempts to get everything to work just right. On the first 605 attempts something -- usually minor -- went wrong and the whole thing had to be re-set. The parts you see being used are from 2 of only 6 hand made HOndas in existence...to the horror of some Honda execs. I have to wonder, how many attempts would it take Avida to accomplish the same feat? And note that all the parts had to be there in exact comformity to a specification in order for it to work at all. Exaptation would have proven difficult for this scenario. DonaldM
GilDodgen There is an interesting site: DNAtube "scientific video site" This has videos on "DNA": DNA videos They include one talking about: Topoisomerases subtitled: "How the cell deals with supercoiled DNA during replication and transcription." DLH
DLH: "Is one of these what you were looking for?" No. The (cartoon-like) animation I was referring to shows how topoisomerase cuts the supercoiled DNA strands and then reassembles them in order to undo the twists. It's obvious that no trial-and-error process could possibly engineer this kind of thing in an incremental fashion. It's a clear-cut case of IC. GilDodgen
I think I'm one of the younger members so this might not ring any bells, but: Did anyone play The Incredible Machine? It was a lot like that Honda Commercial. You solve Rube Goldberg puzzles by putting in the missing parts. A fantastic game : D Berceuse
GilDogen See links at ResearchID.org to: DNA Compaction Video links to YouTube to DNA Compaction Another video is: DNA Molecular Biology Visualizations - Wrapping And Replication or Is one of these what you were looking for? DLH
Speaking of stuff that just happens to work, DaveScot had a great link to a youtube video about DNA replication and supercoiling, here, but the link appears to no longer work. Can anyone find a link that does work? GilDodgen
DaveScott Thanks for linking to a very simple system that "just works". That would have made Rube Goldberg proud. I wonder when someone will put together a "complicated" system that "just works"? JGuy Further to your query,which comes first: the ATP energy or the information coding the ATP, or the system transcribing the genes to ATP proteins, or the ATP energy needed to replicate the coded DNA, or the ATP needed to power the transcription to the ATP, or the photosynthesis system needed to convert photons to ATP? etc. etc. etc. PS godslanguage I think we need to "quibble" about the probability cited. I would expect it to be less than the Universal Probability Bound of < 10^-120. DLH
Gil. Regarding the video you posted. Don't you htink an aspect that is often overlooked in a scenario like this isn't just how it all fits - ie. well matched parts. But the problem of how all of the parts ahd their potential energy initialized? Similar argument of: Whence comes ATP - the energy currency of life? JGuy
The shingle at the end was quite funny. How about when things just "correct themselves"?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6IYj2ADk2s&NR=1 JGuy
Weren't they a little bit optimistic in calculating the probabilities in the house video? Maybe insurance clients are less "fastidious" than darwinists, in regard to what a realistic probability is. Are there OOL insurances? gpuccio
Yeah, but did you see how big that room was in the first video? Must've been about 13.8 billion years long! Gerry Rzeppa
Thanks for both videos, but the insurance video is even more poignant. Great link godslanguage. William Wallace
Its also nice, when things just "come together" godslanguage

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