Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Is Mathgirl Smarter than Orgel and Wicken Combined? Doubtful.


Mathgirl wrote in a comment to my last post:  “My conclusion is that, without a rigorous mathematical definition and examples of how to calculate [CSI], the metric is literally meaningless.  Without such a definition and examples, it isn’t possible even in principle to associate the term with a real world referent.”

Let’s examine that.  GEM brings to our attention two materialists who embraced the concept, Orgel [1973] and Wicken [1979].


. . . In brief, living organisms are distinguished by their specified complexity. Crystals are usually taken as the prototypes of simple well-specified structures, because they consist of a very large number of identical molecules packed together in a uniform way. Lumps of granite or random mixtures of polymers are examples of structures that are complex but not specified. The crystals fail to qualify as living because they lack complexity; the mixtures of polymers fail to qualify because they lack specificity.

The Origins of Life (John Wiley, 1973), p. 189.


‘Organized’ systems are to be carefully distinguished from ‘ordered’ systems. Neither kind of system is ‘random,’ but whereas ordered systems are generated according to simple algorithms [[i.e. “simple” force laws acting on objects starting from arbitrary and common- place initial conditions] and therefore lack complexity, organized systems must be assembled element by element according to an [[originally . . . ] external ‘wiring diagram’ with a high information content . . . Organization, then, is functional complexity and carries information. It is non-random by design or by selection, rather than by the a priori necessity of crystallographic ‘order.’

“The Generation of Complexity in Evolution: A Thermodynamic and Information-Theoretical Discussion,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 77 (April 1979): p. 353, of pp. 349-65.]

I assume mathgirl believes Orgel and Wicken were talking meaningless nonsense.  Or maybe she doesn’t and that’s why she has dodged GEM’s challenge at every turn.

Be that as it may, both dyed-in-the-wool materialists and ID advocates understand that living things are characterized by CSI.  Indeed, the law recognizes that DNA is characterized by CSI.  Recently a federal judge wrote:

Myriad’s focus on the chemical nature of DNA, however, fails to acknowledge the unique characteristics of DNA that differentiate it from other chemical compounds. As Myriad’s expert Dr. Joseph Straus observed: “Genes are of double nature: On the one hand, they are chemical substances or molecules. On the other hand, they are physical carriers of information, i.e., where the actual biological function of this information is coding for proteins. Thus, inherently genes are multifunctional.” Straus Decl. 1 20; see also The Cell at 98, 104 (“Today the idea that DNA carries genetic information in its long chain of nucleotides is so fundamental to biological thought that it is sometimes difficult to realize the enormous intellectual gap that it filled. . . . DNA is relatively inert chemically.”); Kevin Davies & Michael White, Breakthrough: The Race to Find the Breast Cancer Gene 166 (1996) (noting that Myriad Genetics’ April 1994 press release described itself as a “genetic information business”). This informational quality is unique among the chemical compounds found in our bodies, and it would be erroneous to view DNA as “no different[]” than other chemicals previously the subject of patents.

Myriad’s argument that all chemical compounds, such as the adrenaline at issue in Parke-Davis, necessarily conveys some information ignores the biological realities of DNA in comparison to other chemical compounds in the body. The information encoded in DNA is not information about its own molecular structure incidental to its biological function, as is the case with adrenaline or other chemicals found in the body. Rather, the information encoded by DNA reflects its primary biological function: directing the synthesis of other molecules in the body – namely, proteins, “biological molecules of enormous importance” which “catalyze biochemical reactions” and constitute the “major structural materials of the animal body.” O’Farrell, 854 F.2d at 895-96. DNA, and in particular the ordering of its nucleotides, therefore serves as the physical embodiment of laws of nature – those that define the construction of the human body. Any “information” that may be embodied by adrenaline and similar molecules serves no comparable function, and none of the declarations submitted by Myriad support such a conclusion. Consequently, the use of simple analogies comparing DNA with chemical compounds previously the subject of patents cannot replace consideration of the distinctive characteristics of DNA.

In light of DNA’s unique qualities as a physical embodiment of information, none of the structural and functional differences cited by Myriad between native BRCA1/2 DNA and the isolated BRCA1/2 DNA claimed in the patents-in-suit render the claimed DNA “markedly different.” This conclusion is driven by the overriding importance of DNA’s nucleotide sequence to both its natural biological function as well as the utility associated with DNA in its isolated form. The preservation of this defining characteristic of DNA in its native and isolated forms mandates the conclusion that the challenged composition claims are directed to unpatentable products of nature.

Association for Molecular Pathology v. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 702 F.Supp.2d 181 (S.D.N.Y. 2010).

Maybe mathgirl knows something that this federal court or Orgel or Wicken didn’t when she says CSI is a meaningless concept.  But I doubt it.

H'mm: Berra's blunder, mark 2:
IDC: [cars] are the product of evolution – the incremental effects of thousands of designers and countless design choices.
This is tantamount to acknowledging that intelligent design is a valid "evolutionary" mechanism. So, a priori locking out of valid tests on reliable empirical signs for this "evolutionary mechanism" is doubly inexcusable. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
06:06 AM
OK so idcurious is "OM"/ "oldmainthekydidit". This moron pollutes my blog on a daily basis. It has claimed it will come here to get me banned. Do we really need this pap here?Joseph
April 14, 2011
06:00 AM
Onlookers: When Darwinist objectors switch to fussing over the length of the posts that correct them on fact and logic, point by point, that is a sure sign they have lost on the merits and have no sound response on points. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
05:52 AM
Your cars are undoubtedly the process of natural beings. What does that even mean? You are an obtuse equivocator.
Moreover, they are the product of evolution – the incremental effects of thousands of designers and countless design choices.
Nice bald assertion.
It’s your inability to accept that nature does the same thing over much longer periods of time which leads to me suggest that, to you, nature does not work.
It's YOUR inability to produce positive evidence for any of your claims which leads me to to suggest that, to you, bald assertions are scientific evidence. And unfortunately for you you don't have any positive evidence that supports your nonsense.
April 14, 2011
05:46 AM
I know more about evolution than you do idcurious idcurious:
You also think you know more than anyone who rejects ID no matter how qualified.
Your staggering cluelessness about archaeology, computer science, and evolutionary theory is conclusive evidence otherwise.
And finish with a false accusation. You must be very proud of yourself.Joseph
April 14, 2011
05:41 AM
kairosfocus @ 126
I think I need to do a point by point on IDC at 121, as s/he continued to spew strawman rhetoric based talking points
For heaven's sake, KF, look at your own posts. Whenever you are challenged you spew longer and longer posts saying the same thing over and over again, getting redder and redder in the face. I really doubt that anyone reads your posts in full except to mock them. I certainly don't have the time.idcurious
April 14, 2011
05:39 AM
Joseph @ 124
I know more about evolution than you do idcurious
You also think you know more than anyone who rejects ID no matter how qualified. Your staggering cluelessness about archaeology, computer science, and evolutionary theory is conclusive evidence otherwise.idcurious
April 14, 2011
05:36 AM
Joseph @ 124
I know more about evolution than you do idcurious
You also think you know more than anyone who rejects ID no matter how qualified. Your staggering cluelessness about archaeology, computer science, and evolutionary theory is conclusive evidence otherwise.idcurious
April 14, 2011
05:36 AM
Joseph @ 125
Yeah and my cars are “natural” too.
Your cars are undoubtedly the process of natural beings. Moreover, they are the product of evolution - the incremental effects of thousands of designers and countless design choices. It's your inability to accept that nature does the same thing over much longer periods of time which leads to me suggest that, to you, nature does not work.idcurious
April 14, 2011
05:33 AM
kairosfocus @ 123
Sine you want to appeal to the consensus of the scientists who dominate the key institutions, it is necessary to show the bias and its impact.
Standard evolutionary theory is widely accepted by theistic scientists. They see a bigger picture than you, apparently. There are more signatories to the Clergy Letter Project, accepting evolutionary theory, than there are to any lists of supporters of ID or Creationism. It's bizarre that you are so hung up on everyone else's biases, and you can't see your own. Are you paid every time you mention Lewontin?idcurious
April 14, 2011
05:30 AM
bornagain77 @ 122
Please do tell us exactly what is your postulate for ’cause’ within quantum mechanics, specifically the ’cause’ for quantum wave collapse.
It's clear collapse occurs on the macroscopic scale. Beyond that there are various interpretations. If a tree falls and no-one is there to hear it, does it make a noise? Yes - there's just no-on there to hear it.idcurious
April 14, 2011
05:25 AM
F/N: Onlookers, observe the continued silence from objectors on the analysis of the Dembski CSI metric as boiling down to a measurement of information in bits beyond a threshold of 398+ - 500 bits; thus a metric of being on an island in a config space sufficiently deeply isolated that the only empirically credible explanation is design. To remind: CHI = - log2 [2^398*D2*p] CHI = Ip - (398 + K2), in bits Observe, also, that the remarks of Durston et al that place their metric in this same context, are being glided over in equally loud silence. Citing the Durston et al 2007 paper linked in the UD WAC 27:
Consider that there are usually only 20 different amino acids possible per site for proteins, Eqn. (6) can be used to calculate a maximum Fit value/protein amino acid site of 4.32 Fits/site [NB: Log2 (20) = 4.32]. We use the formula log (20) - H(Xf) to calculate the functional information at a site specified by the variable Xf such that Xf corresponds to the aligned amino acids of each sequence with the same molecular function f. The measured FSC for the whole protein is then calculated as the summation of that for all aligned sites. The number of Fits quantifies the degree of algorithmic challenge, in terms of probability, in achieving needed metabolic function. For example, if we find that the Ribosomal S12 protein family has a Fit value of 379, we can use the equations presented thus far to predict that there are about 10^49 different 121-residue sequences that could fall into the Ribsomal S12 family of proteins, resulting in an evolutionary search target of approximately 10^-106 percent of 121-residue sequence space. In general, the higher the Fit value, the more functional information is required to encode the particular function in order to find it in sequence space. A high Fit value for individual sites within a protein indicates sites that require a high degree of functional information. High Fit values may also point to the key structural or binding sites within the overall 3-D structure.
In short, the claims of MG that attempt to drive a wedge between Dembski and Durston collapse. And, the notion that there is no meaningful, measurable mathematical characterisation of CSI also collapses. As a bonus, the 35 values of FSC in fits published by Durston et al, are accessible to the question of whether CSI is measurable and measured and published in the peer reviewed literature. CSI is meaningful conceptually and mathematically, it is based on the same Hartley log probability metric for information as Shannon's H -- which measures average information per symbol -- uses. Its characteristic measure is to evaluate Hartley-Shannon [and I think there is a Kotelnikov in there too] information on log probability, and to test for ability to pass a threshold that marks a reasonable level of difficulty of search on random walk plus trial and error [similar to monkeys at keyboards scanned for meaningful text]. Durston did not emphasise the threshold but Demski does. Beneath, there is the simple X-metric that was there all along, and is as common as typical file size statements on your computer. MG's position collapses. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
05:11 AM
Onlookers (and IDC): I think I need to do a point by point on IDC at 121, as s/he continued to spew strawman rhetoric based talking points: ______________ >> Arguments such as William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument 1 --> I made no reference to Craig's Kalam cosmological argument whatsoever, only to the implications of credible contingency of our cosmos. I even took time to point out the way in which the Steady State type cosmos view was formerly taken as supporting the idea that he observed universe as a whole was the necessary being that explains the contingent beings in our cosmos. But of course that collapsed on the decisive evidence that decided in favour of the big bang scenario. So we live in a credibly contingent cosmos that has to be causally explained, requiring a necessary being as the root. 2 --> On the logic of cause, a contingent being requires a root in a necessary being, and that is strictly independent of time [apart from the common-sense point that a cause must be temporally present at the time when an effect dependent on it initially exists]. In addition, that goes past the suggested multiverse, as this is fine tuned and thus contingent as well. depend on reality meeting the A-Theory of time. Most physicists today think a B-Theory of time more closely matches reality. 3 --> the inference from contingency to necessity as root cause is independent of theories of time, so kindly stop strawmannising one argument that you have no answer for to a bastardised form of another that you imagine you can rebut. A double strawman. At the quantum scale, cause and effect is very different than we know it. 4 --> You will kindly notice that I particularly emphasised NECESSARY causal factors, and I did that with quantum theory specifically in mind. 5 --> For instance, no neutron outside a nucleus and no decay into a proton, i.e the neutron'e presence outside the nucleus is a necessary condition of its decay, and its presence in the nucleus is a necessary condition of having neutrons to balance the electrostatic repulsion across time instead of decaying with a half life of a few minutes (and thus the stability of atomic matter) 6 --> Just so, a contingent being has necessary causal factors without which it could not come into existence. 7 --> Our cosmos is credibly contingent [having a beginning is one sign of contingency, and I pointed to the convertibility of matter to energy as well . . . ] and is in requirement of causal explanation on something external that provides the necessary causal factors. 8 --> On the logic of contingency and necessity, that a contingent cosmos exists, entails the existence of an underlying necessary being as the causal root of that contingent being. 9 --> As was pointed out and sidestepped, the fine tuned nature of that contingent being then points to a necessary being of particular character; an intelligent designer. You really need to learn to write shorter posts. 10 --> If you would seriously read digests of much more extensive reasoning and evidence, and would put up remarks that are truthful and fair minded, I would have no need to spend time and energy to correct masses of misleading and false statements and fallacious reasoning, such as through this markup. And quoting the Bible at me? 11 --> I cited the epistle of Romans as a part of the long discussion on worldviews in our civilisation; I have also in other contexts cited Plato and many others.. 12 --> If you find it offensive to be reminded that 2,00 years ago the apostle put his worldview on the line on the contention that the evidence would compellingly point to a designed nature, and has been supported over 2000 years of investigation, that tells me a lot about attitude, and none of it good. Is that an official part of ID theory? 13 --> You could easily have read the definitions and introductions and corretives that were already linked this morning, which would have instantly told you not at all. 14 --> But on your presentation of yourself, you know this full well, or should know it. 15 --> You are putting up the old "ID is creationism in a cheap tuxedo" smear beloved of Barbara Forrest et al, and that in the teeth of corrective evidence you know or should know. 16 --> Sadly, that makes you a willful deceiver and slanderer. Please, think again and do better than that, mon! >> ______________ GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
04:50 AM
DNA occurs in all living things. Living things are “natural”.
Yeah and my cars are "natural" too.
It is ID that insists that there is a special case – that everything else requires “intelligent design” except it’s “intelligent designer”.
Except ID isn't about the designer. Just as the heory of evolution keeps the origin of life seperate ID keeps the designer seperate. And that is for the reasons I have already provided and apparently you cannot grasp.Joseph
April 14, 2011
04:33 AM
In what way are ribosmes “naturally occurring”? here isn’t any evidence for nature, oprating freely, producing them. idcurious: Ribosomes are created every day by the billions in nature. Cars, trucks and houses are created by the millions in nature. You are obtuse. Craig Venter created DNA and there isn’t any evidence that nature, operatin freely, can do the same.
You seem to think that unless we know *how* something happened, we can’t say that it did happen.
Nope, not even close- you are a liar. Not only that your response doesn't have anything to do with what you were responding to. Strange here aren’t any defections from ID to the blind watchmaker…
As ever you are clueless about both evolution and the complete lack of impact Intelligent Design has had on science – I’m sure largely because of people like you.
Another lie and another non-sequitur. I know more about evolution than you do idcurious.Joseph
April 14, 2011
04:29 AM
IDC: Please stop distorting and dismissing the truth willfully in the teeth of easily available evidence that you plainly cannot confute. That will only make you into a liar; first, one who lies to him or her self then swallows and regurgitates and spreads those lies. More than adequate evidence as to the only empirically credible source of FSCO/I has already been given, in this round for days on end in thread after thread. Sine you want to appeal to the consensus of the scientists who dominate the key institutions, it is necessary to show the bias and its impact. (Apparently, you refused to go to the linked quotes that show the truth beyond reasonable doubt. So, we have to cite it in extenso here.) The decisive evidence of not only the Lewontin summary but also the direct statements of the US NAS and the NSTA, is that evolutionary materialism is being imposed as a censoring and controlling a priori on science, to the point where for instance students in Kansas were threatened by NAS and NSTA if the school board there did not adopt a novel, a priori materialistic redefinition of what science is. Indeed,the further evidence is that people are being subjected to censorship and unjust career busting over this. We just had a case where Gaskell won a US$ 125,0000 settlement by the U of K on this. Just to document without having to go out on a link -- so lazy have we become -, let me excerpt what the US NAS and the NSTA have said about the nature of science, as well as Lewontin's infamous remarks: ___________________ Lewontin: >> To Sagan, as to all but a few other scientists, it is self-evident that the practices of science provide the surest method of putting us in contact with physical reality, and that, in contrast, the demon-haunted world rests on a set of beliefs and behaviors that fail every reasonable test . . . . It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. [[From: “Billions and Billions of Demons,” NYRB, January 9, 1997.] >> US NAS: >> In science, explanations must be based on naturally occurring phenomena. Natural causes are, in principle, reproducible and therefore can be checked independently by others. If explanations are based on purported forces that are outside of nature [NB: this is a question-begging imposition of he natural vs supernatural question-begging dichotomy, in a context where the obvious proper contrast is natural vs ART-ificial, both of which are eminently capable of empirical investigations], scientists have no way of either confirming or disproving those explanations [as a matter of fact, in some cases, certain well-known claimed supernatural interventions would be subject to empirical investigation]. Any scientific explanation has to be testable — there must be possible observational consequences that could support the idea but also ones that could refute it. Unless a proposed explanation is framed in a way that some observational evidence could potentially count against it, that explanation cannot be subjected to scientific testing. [the signs of art are subject to empirical investigation] [Science, Evolution and Creationism, 2008, p. 10 ] >> US NSTA: >> The principal product of science is knowledge in the form of naturalistic concepts [naturalism is the philosophy and worldview that builds on materialism] and the laws and theories related to those concepts . . . . [[S]cience, along with its methods, explanations and generalizations, must be the sole focus of instruction in science classes to the exclusion of all non-scientific or pseudoscientific methods, explanations, generalizations and products [And given the imposition of naturalism, guess what this means: censorship, especially of the contrast between nature and art. As well there is no definable scientific method with a clean datum line that excludes the pseudo-scientific, so this boils down to imposition of ideological materialism] . . . . Although no single universal step-by-step scientific method captures the complexity of doing science [they admit the point but skip over the implication, long since pointed out by Laudan, Lakatos, Feyerabend and many others that they knew or full well should have known, i.e this is willful deception and manipulation], a number of shared values and perspectives characterize a scientific approach to understanding nature. Among these are a demand for naturalistic explanations supported by empirical evidence [repeats the imposition of ideological materialism] that are, at least in principle, testable against the natural world. [FYI, chance, necessity and ART all leave empirically observable, characteristic traces that are testable, so this is another deception by implied falsehood about the nature of art and its empirical signs] Other shared elements include observations, rational argument, inference, skepticism [critical awareness is one thing, selective closed minded hyperskepticism, e.g Sagan's evidentialism, is wholly another, let's correct: extraordinary [to me] claims require extraordianry [adequate] evidence], peer review and replicability of work . . . . Science, by definition, is limited to naturalistic methods and explanations and, as such, is precluded from using supernatural elements in the production of scientific knowledge. [makes the imposition of ideological a priori materialism explicit, in the very definition of science they propose; notice, they have had to already admit that science cannot be reduced to a simple to state definition.] [[NSTA, Board of Directors, July 2000. ] >> ___________________ In short, we are looking at ideological imposition on science, of a priori materialism. Philip Johnson's rebuke was justly deserved:
For scientific materialists the materialism comes first; the science comes thereafter. [[Emphasis original] We might more accurately term them "materialists employing science." And if materialism is true, then some materialistic theory of evolution has to be true simply as a matter of logical deduction, regardless of the evidence. That theory will necessarily be at least roughly like neo-Darwinism, in that it will have to involve some combination of random changes and law-like processes capable of producing complicated organisms that (in Dawkins’ words) "give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose." . . . . The debate about creation and evolution is not deadlocked . . . Biblical literalism is not the issue. The issue is whether materialism and rationality are the same thing. Darwinism is based on an a priori commitment to materialism, not on a philosophically neutral assessment of the evidence. Separate the philosophy from the science, and the proud tower collapses. [[Emphasis added.] [[The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism, First Things, 77 (Nov. 1997), pp. 22 – 25.]
QED. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
04:15 AM
"Your model of evolution completely ignores the endless input of the environment on your search landscape, as well as the incremental gaining of information (in fits and starts) over immense time. When faced with the fact that the vast majority of biologists reject ID, all you can offer is that their understandings of evolution are all wrong and that yours is right. Is that really the most likely explanation?" That certainly was apparent in the very long thread I participated in. No alternate explanation for the vast amount of evidence in the hominid fossil record, just philosophy, computer programming analogies and claims that evolution is "mathematically impossible". Not to mention a draconian moderation policy for certain people who must ask over and over again for the original claims made by people here at Uncommon Descent to be backed up by the evidence. Of course, it is 6AM CDT as I write this; it'll be suppertime before anyone else sees it.KL
April 14, 2011
04:14 AM
IDcurious, you stated; 'At the quantum scale, cause and effect is very different than we know it.' Please do tell us exactly what is your postulate for 'cause' within quantum mechanics, specifically the 'cause' for quantum wave collapse.bornagain77
April 14, 2011
04:09 AM
kairosfocus @ 119
1 –> Have you paid any serious attention to the implications of the logic of contingency in a cosmos where that which has a beginning — is contingent — has a cause?
Arguments such as William Lane Craig's Kalam Cosmological Argument depend on reality meeting the A-Theory of time. Most physicists today think a B-Theory of time more closely matches reality. At the quantum scale, cause and effect is very different than we know it. You really need to learn to write shorter posts. And quoting the Bible at me? Is that an official part of ID theory?idcurious
April 14, 2011
03:52 AM
21 --> In addition to the UD WAC's top right this and every UD page, and the definition of ID also top right this and every UD page, The NWE summary of ID at 101 level -- all of which you should now carefully read, if you are at all concerned to be truthful or fair minded instead of merely playing the insincere troll wasting our time -- is apt on this:
Intelligent design (ID) is the view that it is possible to infer from empirical evidence that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection" [1] Intelligent design cannot be inferred from complexity alone, since complex patterns often happen by chance. ID focuses on just those sorts of complex patterns that in human experience are produced by a mind that conceives and executes a plan. According to adherents, intelligent design can be detected in the natural laws and structure of the cosmos; it also can be detected in at least some features of living things. Greater clarity on the topic may be gained from a discussion of what ID is not considered to be by its leading theorists. Intelligent design generally is not defined the same as creationism, with proponents maintaining that ID relies on scientific evidence rather than on Scripture or religious doctrines. ID makes no claims about biblical chronology, and technically a person does not have to believe in God to infer intelligent design in nature. As a theory, ID also does not specify the identity or nature of the designer, so it is not the same as natural theology, which reasons from nature to the existence and attributes of God. ID does not claim that all species of living things were created in their present forms, and it does not claim to provide a complete account of the history of the universe or of living things. ID also is not considered by its theorists to be an "argument from ignorance"; that is, intelligent design is not to be inferred simply on the basis that the cause of something is unknown (any more than a person accused of willful intent can be convicted without evidence). According to various adherents, ID does not claim that design must be optimal; something may be intelligently designed even if it is flawed (as are many objects made by humans). ID may be considered to consist only of the minimal assertion that it is possible to infer from empirical evidence that some features of the natural world are best explained by an intelligent agent. It conflicts with views claiming that there is no real design in the cosmos (e.g., materialistic philosophy) or in living things (e.g., Darwinian evolution) or that design, though real, is undetectable (e.g., some forms of theistic evolution) . . .
22 --> It is time to be direct: if you, IDC, say the like of what has been cited again [or refuse to retract it in the teeth of abundant corrective evidence], it is because you are willfully distorting, misrepresenting and slandering the truth you know or should know, for rhetorical advantage. In short, you would prove yourself a liar. 23 --> So, let us sum up:
(a) ID is about the inference on empirical sign, from what we observe to the act of design as credible cause where FSCI or the like are seen; (b) ID per se is not an inference to the identity of the designer, though the act of design points to the existence of a designer, and may give some clues that we may use in characterising said designer. (c) In the case of cell based life, on the work of Venter et al, design is a known and plausible cause of the sort of FSCI we see in DNA, and on billions of test cases plus the infinite monkeys type analysis, the ONLY empirically known cause of such FSCI is intelligence. (d) FSCI can for convenience be defined as functionally specific complex information as described by Orgel and Wicken, and beyond 1,000 bits per the X-metric [which, as UD WAC 28 has pointed out for years, boils down to the common measure of info in bits we see for files, once they are big enough], and/or other more sophisticated metrics. FSCI is also often associated with functionally specific complex organisation [FSCO] on a Wicken "wiring diagram." (e) FSCO is equally diagnostic of design, and can be reduced to FSCI as a measure of its functional complexity by converting its wiring diagram into a net list of specified nodes, arcs and interfaces then counting bits and checking vs the 1,000 bit limit. (f) Repeat, the only empirically known source of such FSCO/I is design, and on the infinite monkeys analysis, it is maximally implausible that chance contingency and unintelligently directed natural forces and regularities could give rise to FSCO/I. There are billions of test cased in point, all around us. (g) The observed cosmos is contingent, credibly had a beginning [typically estimated as 13.7 BYA] and its underlying physics is credibly fine tuned in many dozens of ways to support C-chemistry, intelligent life. (h) The best explanation for that is a necessary being as designer, with the intelligence, purpose, power, knowledge and skill to create such a world. (Just as this post is best explained on a designer with the purpose, knowledge and skill to create it.) (i) The specific nature and identity of such a designer cannot be estimated on scientific evidence, but the evidence supports the inference that such a designer is the best candidate to explain our observed cosmos, and us in it. (j) This chain of inferences is subject to testing and possible defeat, if it can be shown that FSCO/I can credibly be generated by chance driven stochastic contingency and associated undirected natural forces giving rise to natural regularities, starting from arbitrary initial conditions that are not in "special" configurations. [Already, the cosmological evidence points to very special and fine tuned initial conditions of the cosmos.]
GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
03:39 AM
IDC: Re: We found “meaning instantiated into matter” in all living things. So it is all around us. It is part of us . . . . The obvious logical conclusion is that “meaning instantiated into matter” is a part of nature – whether nature is “designed” or otherwise, whether the Christian God exists or otherwise, whether Darwin was right or otherwise. What is it that is empirically known to have capacity to create symbolic codes, data structures to express that code in matter, and to use such codes in algorithms to make machines do targetted, complex things that result in successful function? ANS: Only one kind of entity, i.e intelligence. And, per the infinite monkeys analysis that you and your ilk have consistently dodged, for years, on the gamut of the cosmos, chance contingency on random walks plus blind mechanical necessity are so incapable of generating FSCI on the scope of 1,000 or more bits, that we can comfortably conclude that such FSCI is a reliable sign of design. Design entails designer, on empirical data, we are not imposing a designer a priori, we are inferring from the evidence and known patterns of observed designers vs nature operating freely. Next, you go on to a further revealing bit of dismissive rhetoric:
It is ID that insists that there is a special case – that everything else requires “intelligent design” except it’s “intelligent designer”.
1 --> Have you paid any serious attention to the implications of the logic of contingency in a cosmos where that which has a beginning -- is contingent -- has a cause? 2 --> If something, X, begins, it means that there are circumstances under which X does not exist, and other circumstances under which it does. That is, there are certain factors that must be in place for X to begin and/or continue. 3 --> For instance (and here I follow Copi in his key example in his Logic) with a fire, each of air [oxidiser], fuel and heat is necessary, and the three together are sufficient for the fire. If any is absent, no fire, if the three come together fire begins, if one is removed, fire goes out. Contingency. 4 --> Now, we have credible evidence that matter is contingent [E = m*c^2], and indeed that our cosmos as a whole is similarly contingent. It has necessary causal factors that have had to be switched on for it to exist and be sustained. Our cosmos is not independent of external causal factors. 5 --> So, something ELSE has to exist with capacity to cause a cosmos such as we observe. 6 --> Some have speculated on multiverses and quantum fluctuations etc, but that still does not reckon with the implications of the way our cosmos is credibly fine tuned in dozens of ways that support C-chemistry, cell based intelligent life such as we have. 7--> The underlying multiverse as speculated would be credibly at least as much fine tuned (thus contingent) to give rise to a cosmos such as ours. 8 --> So, we are back at the point that a contingent being requires in the end a being that is independent of external causes, i.e is a so-called necessary being. Such a being did not have a beginning, and cannot cease from being. 9 --> Formerly, when it was widely believed the observed cosmos as a whole was without beginning -- cf the so-called Steady State universe theory -- that necessary being was thought to be the wider observed universe; but these views collapsed in the face of the Hubble red shift evidence that points to a beginning, and the supportive 2.7 K background radiation. Our cosmos credibly is contingent, on scientific evidence. 10 --> The logic of contingency therefore points to a necessary being behind our cosmos, and as the cosmos is credibly fine tuned, that necessary being would have to be one capable of such fine tuning of a cosmos being created: powerful, purposeful, intelligent, knowledgeable, skilled. 11 --> That is an inference to best explanation, on empirical observations and logic about cause in our world, and on the known characteristics of designers. As you just saw, it is not a a prioi imposition on the facts, it emerges naturally from the facts on probing them with questions along the lines of: what best explains phenomenon X. 12 --> The answer, on cosmological inference to cause in a necessary being,and to the intelligent designer that is capable of building a fine tuned cosmos, sounds significantly like the God of traditional theism. 13 --> Maybe, that should be taken as a clue that belief in such a God is credible on the evidence of our world and ourselves in it. Which sounds rather familiar, again:
Rom 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse . . .
14 --> The old apostle put his worldview on the line, subjecting it to empirical test -- if the world around us and our self-knowledge did not point that way, we can be assured that materialists would be trumpeting that to the high heavens, as they formerly did when they thought they had evidence that science provides support to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. 15 --> So, why is it that so soon as the evidence does support the old apostle, we find the sort of sarcastic wish to brush the whole subject aside without consideration of evidence and logic,as though the notion of a necessary being is patent nonsense? 16 --> Does not that sound a bit like the fallacy of the closed, hostile mind the old apostle also warned against?
Rom 1:20 b: . . . men are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. [Inthe old days as idols in temples, nowadays, similar images are often presented in the name of "science" and are used to make it seem that it is possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. But in fact evolutionary materialism is inherently self refuting and thus necessarily false.]
17 --> Now, plainly, that evidence should be faced; not irritably derided and dismissed without careful examination. 18 --> That is a matter of the cosmological level inference to design and associated issues of what best explains a contingent, fine tuned cosmos, going strictly beyond science into worldview level philosophical issues. (Would that speculators on multiverses would admit that their speculations go beyond empirical test and are thus philosophical, too. But, they usually do not, and so we have to step up to the line and deal wit the matter on logic and inference to best explanation. Turns out the multiverse is itself fine tuned, so the suggestion does not divert the issue.) 19 --> There is another matter of strawmannish misrepresentation in the teeth of evidence repeatedly pointed out, as you suggest that design theory as such is about "its designer." 20 --> this is a case of repeating a slanderous misrepresentation that you know or should by now know is inaccurate. DESIGN THEORY -- FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME -- IS ABOUT INFERENCE TO DESIGN AS CAUSAL PROCESS, NOT TO THE IDENTITY OF THE DESIGNER(S) INVOLVED. [ . . . ]kairosfocus
April 14, 2011
03:39 AM
kairosfocus @ 117 It is indeed origins which is the point here.
We also know that chance contingency and blind mechanical forces credibly could no9t searchthe config space of 1,000 bits to more than 1 part in 10^150, effectively no search; on the gamut and thermodynamic lifetime of the observed cosmos.
What you are provided is your model of how you think evolution works... And when a model conflicts with reality, it isn't reality that is wrong. Lord Kelvin calculated in the 1860s that the Sun was between 20 and 400 million years old. He didn't know about nuclear fusion. His model was wrong. Your model of evolution completely ignores the endless input of the environment on your search landscape, as well as the incremental gaining of information (in fits and starts) over immense time. When faced with the fact that the vast majority of biologists reject ID, all you can offer is that their understandings of evolution are all wrong and that yours is right. Is that really the most likely explanation?idcurious
April 14, 2011
02:51 AM
IDC: Re, 115: "Ribosomes are created [replicated] every day by the billions in nature" See how important word choice is? What we see day by day is the manufacture of ribosomes on a pre-programmed plan using the facilities of a metabolising, self-replicating automaton. The proper issue is the ORIGIN of the relevant facilities, including the programs, data and machinery that allows ribosomes to be made in the billions daily. And, with a modicum of thought and charitable/reasonable reading [an intellectual duty towards fairness and truth], it would have been quite plain that this was Joseph's context of intent in 109. Where did the information based, automated, digital code driven assembly system that creates the ribosome as a component of the cell come from? As a clue, we know that digital code is a manifestation of language, working by instantiating meaning into matter per conventions of symbolic representation. Such capacity to conceive of symbols, to encode, to express in properly formatted data structures etc comes form one known, observed source: intelligence. We also know that chance contingency and blind mechanical forces credibly could no9t searchthe config space of 1,000 bits to more than 1 part in 10^150, effectively no search; on the gamut and thermodynamic lifetime of the observed cosmos. So, even functionally specific information of 125 bytes length is maximally unlikely to have come about by such "natural" means. Intelligence routinely greatly exceeds this amount, as posts in this thread and control programs in industry show. In the case of the living cell, we are dealing with DNA that starts out at 100+ thousand bits of information (which BTW is extraordinarily tight code, as we just saw a BLANK Word 97 document took up 155 k bits just to have an empty sheet on screen). On -- admittedly defeat-able, as all scientific theories are -- inference to best, empirically tested explanation, the most plausible cause for the ribosome, the manufacturing capacity that makes new ones in the billions daily, and the wider self-replicating cell, is ART, working by design driven by skill, knowledge and intent. Generally speaking, this conclusion is resisted, not because of credible evidence that nature working freely and without intelligent intervention -- i.e by chance and necessity -- can and does originate things like ribosomes, but because the implications of such being artificial in their root, are unpalatable, and we have a dominant school of thought in science and related institutions that is committed to a priori evolutionary materialism. This last is documented fact (read Lewontin et al and keep on reading to the US NAS and NSTA, then see the cogency of Johnson's corrective rebuke). In short, we are seeing the ideological captivity of science. Apart from that, by March 1953, when it was realised that DNA was a code based system at the heart of life, it would have been immediately obvious that life is a technology of an intelligent designer. (Techne, BTW, is the Greek word we translate as ART; and that is what Jowett used in translating Plato's The Laws Bk X, which discussed the issue of cause by chance/accident, nature [phusis]/necessity and art 2,350 years ago.) GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 14, 2011
02:13 AM
Upright BiPed @ 114
Firstly, to claim from the outset that DNA is naturally occurring is to make an assertion you have no evidence for. In other words, it is the mistake of simply assuming your conclusion (without evidence).
Please think before you write. DNA occurs in all living things. Living things are "natural". Your position, surely, is that DNA could not have initially come into being except for the actions of an "intelligent designer" that did not itself require "intelligent design".
Secondly, you seem to be missing the setting of the question. We in fact found meaning instantiated into matter when we discovered the genetic code within the DNA molecule.
Right. We found "meaning instantiated into matter" in all living things. So it is all around us. It is part of us.
Using the discovery itself as an example of where we can find what was just found has some rather obvious logical issues, as I am sure you will become aware if you’ll just think it through.
The obvious logical conclusion is that "meaning instantiated into matter" is a part of nature - whether nature is "designed" or otherwise, whether the Christian God exists or otherwise, whether Darwin was right or otherwise. It is ID that insists that there is a special case - that everything else requires "intelligent design" except it's "intelligent designer".idcurious
April 14, 2011
01:16 AM
Joseph @ 109
In what way are ribosmes “naturally occurring”? here isn’t any evidence for nature, oprating freely, producing them.
Ribosomes are created every day by the billions in nature. Your point, surely, is that they are so complex that they required some initial "intelligent design", by some designer that did not itself require "intelligent design".
Craig Venter created DNA and there isn’t any evidence that nature, operatin freely, can do the same.
You seem to think that unless we know *how* something happened, we can't say that it did happen.
Strange here aren’t any defections from ID to the blind watchmaker...
As ever you are clueless about both evolution and the complete lack of impact Intelligent Design has had on science - I'm sure largely because of people like you.idcurious
April 14, 2011
01:07 AM
Hello IDC, (#107)
Well, I suppose after finding meaning instantiated into matter, an investigator would probably begin by asking themselves “where else” do we find such a phenomena.
We find them everywhere in naturally occurring DNA.
Firstly, to claim from the outset that DNA is naturally occurring is to make an assertion you have no evidence for. In other words, it is the mistake of simply assuming your conclusion (without evidence). Secondly, you seem to be missing the setting of the question. We in fact found meaning instantiated into matter when we discovered the genetic code within the DNA molecule. The manifest goal is to understand what kind of forces could be responsible for its origin. Using the discovery itself as an example of where we can find what was just found has some rather obvious logical issues, as I am sure you will become aware if you’ll just think it through. Perhaps the appropriate response is the one I suggested. That would be to ask ourselves “where else” do we find meaning instantiated into matter. That would give us a clue as to what forces are capable of what is to be explained. That is why I asked you if this was a reasonable approach to the issue. You instead chose not to answer the question.
We have two basic explanations for this.
You then go on to say that the two possibilities are a natural origin and a designed origin. What is interesting about your comment is the treatment you give the two options. For the option of a natural origin you relax the requirements for some indication that it may be the correct answer by first envisioning simple structures, tons of time, and in the end you simply throw up your hands and say we don’t know. How much less of a requirement of evidence could be offered than that? On the other hand, for the designed origin you placed additional baggage on the claim which is not even reflected in the evidence. There is nothing in the biological evidence for ID that states anything about additional qualities of the designer other than the capacity to instantiate the design. Zilch. Moreover, in neither of these options do you make any attempt at addressing the realities of the discovery.
Humour me. Can you understand why the second explanation might seem problematic?
It only becomes problematic when one becomes personally certain that he or she knows what the ultimate reality is, and his or her visions don’t comport to the observable evidence. You may rest assured; reality itself will be the judge of truth, not any man’s preconceptions. That is why arguments from incredulity are unpersuasive when the evidence is against you.
Do you accept that recognizably human beings existed for thousands of years without using symbolic representations?
Why in the world would I think that? Higher and lower animals across the planet use symbolic representation all the time. What would make me believe that early human beings were incapable of it? The point of this you need to wrestle with is that semiosis and information predated mankind, evolution, and most probably Life itself. Mankind was not the starting point of any of it. - - - - - - - - - - Now, I answered you questions and observations fairly and forthrightly. Return the favor with any of the questions I asked you: Is meaningful information recorded in DNA by the arrangement of material symbols? How is information created? Are there any examples of recorded information that were not first the product of perception? Is there any information in existence anywhere that is not the product of perception? Are there any examples of recorded information that exist without the use of symbolic representation? How are symbols created? What makes a symbolic representation a symbolic representation? How is the symbol-to-object relationship established in a symbol? Are there any examples of naturally occurring symbols? Is there any distinction between an analog symbol (howl of a wolf) and a digital symbol (morse code)? Are the symbols used to record information freely chosen? Are there any examples of symbols used to record information which were not freely chosen?Upright BiPed
April 13, 2011
05:04 PM
Basically all I have left is:
Desmond has a barrow in the market place Molly is the singer in a band Desmond says to Molly "girl I like your face" And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on Desmond takes a trolley to the jewellers stores Buys a twenty carat golden ring (Golden ring?) Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door And as he gives it to her she begins to sing (Sing) Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on, yeah (No) In a couple of years they have built A home sweet home With a couple of kids running in the yard Of Desmond and Molly Jones (Ah ha ha ha ha ha) Happy ever after in the market place Desmond lets the children lend a hand (Arm! Leg!) Molly stays at home and does her pretty face And in the evening she still sings it with the band Yes, ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on (Ha ha ha) Hey, ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on In a couple of years they have built A home sweet home With a couple of kids running in the yard Of Desmond and Molly Jones (Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) Yeah, happy ever after in the market place Molly lets the children lend a hand (Foot!) Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face And in the evening she's a singer with the band Yeah, ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on Yeah, ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra La-la how the life goes on And if you want some fun Take ob-la-di ob-la-da
April 13, 2011
04:27 PM
Muramasa, re 98: Shannon based his work on Hartley's log metric suggestion for information. His H-metric is about average info per symbol, and that H is the usual meaning of "Shannon Info." Dembski's work is based ont eh same Hartley log metric, and overlaps considerably with Shannon's work. But Dembski is not so much concerned to deduce channel capacity regardless of content as to extend the thinking to take in function, and specificity. He has added significant steps to do so. he has not contradicted Shannon's work, nor is his work unrelated. He builds on what Shannon did. Durston et al do so in a somewhat different way, developing H to create another metric that is related. Dembski ends up with a metric in bits that are beyond a threshold of complexity, in a context of specificity. This builds on, it does not contradict nor does it go off on an unrelated line, to Shannon's work. I actually said pretty much this above. I am just emphasising the relatedness here. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 13, 2011
03:31 PM
Onlookers: Re, MG, 90: The concept of “specified complexity” presented by Orgel is not the same as the concept of “specified complexity” discussed by Dembski. I have said nothing about whether or not Orgel’s concept is coherent or meaningful. 1 --> In short, MG cannot respond to the meaningfulness and coherence of Orgel's remarks, or she would condemn herself out of her own mouth. For, Orgel's credibility and soundness are not on trial, MG's are. 2 --> Orgel (and Wicken) make perfectly good sense, and describe phenomena familiar to those of us who have had to design and get complicated, multiple component things to work. 3 --> They are functional, they are specific, they are complex, they are information rich. They exhibit specified complexity -- not just any complexity will do, we need the particular complexity that fits in the right place in the right way. That's why we talk about specifications for components and for overall designs. 4 --> H'mm, has MG ever had to try to get hard to find spares for a vehicle or something like that? 5 --> Orgel spoke in the particular context of living systems, but immediately compared crystals [which varies all the way from snow to quartz to metals], and random polymer mixes [could be amorphous substances, but more likely tars were in mind]. So, while chemical and related contexts are in view, this extends to fairly wide areas, and shows that the concepts live in a wider conceptual world than just biological cells and their functional sub-units. 6 --> We have declarative distinction without explanation, i.e. on MG's authority [and/or those who back her up] we are apparently to accept that the use of the same term in similar contexts by Orgel and Dembski were utterly different. Sorry, no authority is better than facts, logic and assumptions. And in science empirical facts have a lot to say. 7 --> Already we saw how specified complexity and functionally specific complexity do evidently speak to bio-systems but also much wider than that, they are a commonplace in a world where we have complex functional systems that require specific components put together in specific ways, to work. 8 --> And that gives us a conceptual understanding and definition on material examples. Such definitions are commonplace in science, e.g we define life that way. (And there are no mathematically exact definitions of life too, but that does not make "life" a meaningless or useless term. Of course all of this has been pointed out in previous threads, as those who were there can back me up on, but they were brushed aside or ignored by MG. her denials ring very hollow to those of us who were there to see.) 9 --> going on, as can be seen form UD WAC 27 - 28, what Dembski did was to seek to create a mathematical model and metric for CSI, appreciating that the concept applies far wider than bio-function. 10 --> Indeed, once we have an independent specification of a state of affairs or configuration, where there are a great many possible configurations, the concept is applicable, e.g in statistical thermodynamics [special clusters of microstates in the context of lab level macrostates . . . and BTW, information comes in the door though this too], or for that matter, special hands of cards. 11 --> Dembski was particularly concerned to identify what a specification is or can be, and he used K-compressibility as a way to generalise, though not only this, he speaks of independent, detachable descriptions or set target zones in spaces of possible configurations etc. Islands of function fit right in there. 12 --> Dembski defined a metric, one that uses the concept of a target zone and the action of a semiotic agent whose shadow appears in his expression. Since the observer who judges is an inescapable part of science that should not be objectionable, at least, to the fair minded. Judgements by semiotic agents/observers can be objective, as we may see in how Jayne developed his informational view of thermodynamics. And in quantum mechanics, the observer is an integral part of the theory. Even in measuring a length a common way is for an observer to take a look and compare to a scale. Even in the case of an automated process with transducer based measurements, someone has had to set things up and program the system to do the job right, and someone else has to look at it to see that things remain on track. 13 --> The intelligent judging observer and actor are a little hard to get rid of, even when machines set up by such are acting as proxy. These, too were pointed out and ignored or brushed aside. 14 --> Whatever debates may be made on Dembski's derivation, as pointed out repeatedly, he produced a specific model and equation. Surely, this is mathematical. 15 --> The expression, as was pointed out above, boils down to measuring or calculating a probability, then converting it to base 2 log measure information [a la Hartley, a commonplace in Info theory, giving bits], then subtracting a threshold of 398+ bits. 16 --> This compares favorably with the number of events of the atoms in our solar system across the time since the big bang, though without the full effect of the second term, it is a bit less than the number of quantum events for the observed cosmos. The second term tends up to that level, take away 500 bits (as VJT did). 17 --> the idea then is that once the specific information in an entity is beyond about 400 - 500 bits of complexity [10^120 to 10^150 possibilities], relatively small statistical weight clusters, i.e specific subsets, will be so overwhelmed by the statistical weight of the rest of the set of configs, that it is maximally unlikely that they can be observed as arising from blind chance and necessity, i.e. non-foresighted, non intelligent sources. 18 --> In short, if you see 18 or more words in English you are well warranted to infer to an intelligent writer, not monkeys pounding away at keyboards at random or the like. A Jumbo Jet points to Boeing not a tornado in a junkyard. One of the gauges on the instrument panel -- much simpler -- speaks of an avionics instrument maker, not a bull running amok through a high tech hardware shop. A significant computer program speaks of a programmer, not Bill Gates hiring monkeys for peanuts and bananas to bang away at keyboards in Redmond. (Rumours of convoys of banana-carrying trucks heading for MS's campus in Redmond are not to be credited.) 19 --> All of this is simple enough. Why is it so stoutly and stubbornly resisted, with all sorts of declamations and declarations of "meaninglessness" and worse, much worse? 20 --> Because of where it points for the origin of the living cell. For, this is a functionally specific, complex, highly organised, information rich automaton that is self-assembling and self-replicating, with stored data structures and algorithmic, step by step co-ordinated processes and machines. It uses digitally coded instructions that in aggregate run far beyond the 1,000 bit threshold that is a point where the inference to design is morally certain. 21 --> If CSI or FSCI are reliable signs of design, the living cell is patently designed. 22 --> So, do we have good evide3nce that these things are not good signs of design? Just the opposite: we have BILLIONS of cases in point in evidence that they are very food signs of design, and not one good case that they are failing. (The pathetic attempt yesterday to cite the canali in drawings meant to represent the surface of Mars, is an example of how desperate objectors are.) 23 --> We rightly make momentous judgements on evidence that is nowhere near as good, in a lot of important contexts. 24 --> But the evolutionary materialistic, secular humanist worldview that is so dominant in elite circles in our civilisation is evidently at stake, and this motivates a lot of the opposition to the inference to design of life. For if life is designed, who might the designer be? 25 --> That may be a significant question in its own right, but the inference from empirically reliable signs to the signified event of design as best explanation for origin, is both prior to such a debate and separate from it. ________ It is time that we woke up to that, and called to account those who are trying to actually redefine science to exclude the possibility that even the best warranted explanation that might not sit comfortably with evolutionary materialism, cannot be entertained, never mind the cost of robbing science of its integrity. Instead, let us recognise that science at its best is:
an unfettered (but intellectually and ethically responsible) progressive pursuit of the truth about our world, based on observation, inference, analysis, modelling, experiment and uncensored but mutually respectful discussion among informed investigators.
GEM of TKIkairosfocus
April 13, 2011
03:14 PM
You list four names.
I could list more- that is what the "etcs" are for, duh. Strange here aren't any defections from ID to the blind watchmaker...Joseph
April 13, 2011
02:47 PM
1 4 5 6 7 8 10

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