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Epigenetics: Researchers think small shared changes underlie varying types of autism

68% + of ASD cases shared common histone acetylation pattern at 5,000 gene loci/ thinglass, Fotolia

From ScienceDaily:

Those with both rare and common types of autism spectrum disorder share a similar set of epigenetic modifications in the brain, according to a study. More than 68% of individuals with different types of autism spectrum disorder show evidence of the same pattern of a chemical modification of the protein scaffold around which DNA wraps. The findings suggest that a single global epigenetic pattern affecting shared molecular pathways in the brain could underlie diverse manifestations of this psychiatric disease.

“We find epigenetic changes that are present in most patients with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD,” says co-senior study author Shyam Prabhakar of the Genome Institute of Singapore. “This suggests that, despite tremendous heterogeneity in the primary causes of autism, such as DNA mutations and environmental perturbations during development, ASD has molecular features that are commonly shared. It is encouraging that ASD has common molecular changes, because this opens up the possibility of designing drugs to correct these changes.”

Various genetic and environmental factors are known to contribute to ASD. Many studies have focused on structural changes to the genome or DNA sequence variants in protein-coding genes, but these mutations are rare and account for only a small fraction of cases. As a result, scientists have proposed that epigenetic modifications — changes in gene activity that do not affect the DNA sequence — play an important role in ASD. However, many epigenetic studies have focused on a chemical modification of DNA known as methylation, ignoring other important changes that could affect the activity of genes implicated in psychiatric disease.

In the new study, Prabhakar and co-senior study author Daniel Geschwind of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, explored the potential role of histone acetylation in ASD. Paper. (public access) More.

It’s curious how much harm was done in the name of eugenics (genetic fundamentalism, really), due to a belief in exclusively Darwinian inheritance. Wouldn’t it be the ultimate plot twist if many disease-related issues are epigenetic? As in, all those years of Darwinist lecturers ridiculing Lamarck just put everyone off the track?

See also: A much less useful paper for understanding autism: Study: Change in morality 100 kya enabled autism sufferers to integrate into society
It’s true that some autists might help the tribe by becoming specialists. But many autists do not possess even normal life skills. Morality would, however, mean that even they were not murdered or exiled. Whence the sudden attack of morality?

Epigenetics: Aeon writer says Darwin’s theory is “incomplete” There is no question that the integration would help. But more than fine words are needed. As long as Darwin’s thugs are allowed to dominate, we’ll still be here in twenty years. We know what’s true, but is it on the courses? In the textbooks?


Epigenetic change: Lamarck, wake up, you’re wanted in the conference room!

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"It is encouraging that ASD has common molecular changes, because this opens up the possibility of designing drugs to correct these changes.” No, it would be better not to have ASD in the first place! Much of the news media coverage about autism relates to vaccine safety concerns. What we read is that "vaccines do not cause autism". But what we read in peer reviewed science journals is that vaccinations increase the incidence of autism reports by parents. Vaccines apparently do not CAUSE autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) but are associated with an autoimmune problem triggered by certain vaccines like MMR. The media wants to play games of "exact words". The public just wants to have healthy kids. This was known over a decade ago. And no, it is NOT discredited, outdated research. There is plenty more information in more recent peer reviewed journals. The unthinking mass media has been feeding us oft repeated lies. Highlighted text from the abstracts I consulted along with their links to the peer reviewed journals can be found at: http://scripturalphysics.org/etc/TheFormula.html#VaccineConcerns Glance through a dozen entries and then compare the highlighted information with the clip of the CDC's testimony before Congress. My review of the literature suggests that the MMR vaccine does not actually CAUSE autism. But there is a loose end here involving autoimmunity, signaling proteins, and immature immune systems. This in turn leads me to suspect iodine deficiencies, especially in the United States. Iodine is needed for brain development in infants. It is also needed for proper functioning of the immune system. And it aids the body in ridding itself of toxic metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum. A woman's body, in particular has a high need for iodine. Japanese women get 100 times what American women get in their diet. I was shocked and deeply disillusioned when I first came to the realization that the CDC had covered up the relation(s) between vaccines and autism. Formerly, I believed that they all engaged in a certain amount of spin-doctoring--mostly to fool themselves and save face. But it was hard to believe that they would just blatantly lie, especially on matters that can be easily checked and verified. They really did not give a darn, weren't even embarrassed. It was an example of shameless deception, without care or concern for the people affected. Neither did the CDC present peer reviewed alternatives. Some of these people need to go to prison --seriously!! And where are the media watchdogs? Where are the investigative journalists? The lack of attention to this scandal is probably due to editors who kill the story before it affects their advertising revenue, their access to insider information, their being invited to other newsworthy stories, etc. So much for a "free" press. And why hasn't Congress asked CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson to testify regarding fraud and the CDC MMR vaccine studies? Ultimately, this will all lead to mistrust of the media, mistrust of the medical community, and mistrust of the government. Lawlessness will increase as more and more stupid, Draconian laws are passed (e.g., California) and the public can do nothing about it at the ballot box or the courts. They will take "justice" into their own hands, especially where it concerns their own kids. The gun and the bomb will rule, as will "irrational autonomous beliefs".BrianFraser
November 22, 2016
03:16 PM

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