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science education

Brazil picks ID sympathizer as science boffin; science media henhouse in total flap

There is no discussion of the guy’s admin skills or anything else that would be directly relevant to his new position. One thing the anti-Neto noise will do is make a great many Brazilians and others aware of ID who weren’t before. Read More ›

Home-schooled Christian students as tomorrows science leaders? Jonathan Wells responds

Jonathan Wells: I have consistently found that these two groups [home-schooled students or students from private Christian schools] are among the brightest and most interested of attendees, and they raise most of the best questions. Read More ›

Will home-schooled Christian students be the science leaders of tomorrow?

It will be interesting indeed if the legacy of the thought traditions that provided a basis for science in the western world ended up being carried on mainly by devout Christians. While the official science world continues to mires and beclown itself in a war on objectivity. Read More ›

At Nature: A call for a more questioning attitude in science education?

Much that is called science denial today is not "cynical and self-serving"; it is fed-upness with approved rubbish marketed as science because it suits a popular current philosophy. Read More ›

Bacteria harpoon DNA from their environment, to fight antibiotics

Wait. What does this story remind us of? Oh yes, recently a writer at The Atlantic went so far as to express doubt about the claim of a Darwin-in-the-schools lobbyist that everyone needs to buy into their approach to evolution if we want to understand superbugs. Read More ›

Wealthy Scandinavian benefactor gives US$1.6 million (eqv.) to promote ID

This wonderful news come on the heels of the just as wonderful news about the opening of the ID centre in Austria, Zentrum für Biokomplexität und NaturTeleologie. Read More ›

Jonathan Wells remembers Phillip Johnson as a breath of fresh air

Wells is the author of Zombie Science, about out-of-date Darwinian rubbish whacked from one edition of a given publicly funded textbook to another, often claiming the protection of law as if it were some kind of Holy Writ that founds a religious republic. Read More ›

Horizontal gene transfer: Cholera bacterium steals 150 genes at once

Relevant in more ways than one. Remember that recent Atlantic article where the writer was grousing that her school didn’t teach “evolution” (Darwinism)? And a Darwin lobbyist told her that as a result we wouldn't understand superbugs? Darwinism is probably in the way, actually. Read More ›

The war on math continues

Some of us remember back to when only the arts disciplines were being ruined. But yes, math can be ruined too. That will make it hard to talk to people about a lot of science stuff, including science controversies. But hey, they'll still have astrology. Read More ›

Nature has retracted a major oceans warming paper, after ten months of mass freakouts

The more sobbing, screaming teens are paraded in front of the public, the more reasonable climate skepticism begins to sound. Read More ›

A cry from grievance culture: She never learned Darwinism in school

If Darwinists had been in charge of Khazan’s education, she would mainly have a bunch of stuff to unlearn. As it is, she can start with Suzan Mazur’s Darwin Overthrown: Hello Mechanobiology and Michael Behe’s Darwin Devolves. Steve Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt is good on the Cambrian explosion… Read More ›

Do genes that jump shake the tree of life?

Yes,but what hope is there that textbooks could start teaching reality when even the right to question the Darwinian [sheet] is still a big controversy in many places? Could science writers like Jabr and others agree that it is time to make textbooks about evolution sound like the reality and not like the 1925 Monkey Trial revisited? Read More ›

Demand for a ban on teaching creationism in Welsh schools

Tradejah! Let’s have a ban on teaching Darwinism too. Oh wait — is that what’s supposed to be introduced early and often, because the “Wales Humanists coordinator” and “Humanists UK” want it? Darwinism is an obvious intrusion of religion into the school system. A different religion from what many people follow, but still a religion. Otherwise, why would humanists care so much? Read More ›