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Origin Of Life

So life on Earth is even older than we thought?

At ScienceDaily: The researchers say that, while some of the structures could conceivably have been created through chance chemical reactions, the 'tree-like' stem with parallel branches was most likely biological in origin, as no structure created via chemistry alone has been found like it. Read More ›

Neil Thomas comments on the difficulty of accommodating Darwinism to sudden origin of life

Here’s a thought: If your origin of life theory works, can we reverse engineer the conditions to produce life from non-life today? If we can’t, that doesn’t prove your theory false. After all, it is very difficult to demonstrate that something “couldn’t have” happened under any circumstances whatever. But you must now rejoin the queue in your previous place… Read More ›

Could life have started in the depths of the Earth? It’s controversial.

Talk about an extremophile deep in the Earth! Trouble is we don’t know that life started out like audaxviator. It could just as easily be that one late-arriving microbe could inhabit that territory but nothing else could. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon: ID types are unfair to panspermia (the hypothesis that life came from space)

Sheldon: The answer to critics of panspermia, is that it is not intended as an origin of life (OOL) theory; rather, it answers the question "Where did life on Earth come from?" So indeed, it is erroneous to accuse panspermia advocates of “kicking the can down the road.” Read More ›

Steve Meyer on whether extraterrestrials created life, as opposed to an intelligence outside nature

"Yet those who propose panspermia have not explained, or even seriously grappled with, the problem of the origin of specified biological information." - Meyer No, but they don't need to, do they? Their seamless blend of science fiction and non-fiction would be rudely interrupted by needless complexities in the plot... Read More ›

Origin of life: But how do cells come to have “borders” at all?

Inanimate objects don’t have “borders” because they need not defend themselves against anything. Boulders don’t care if they end up as sand. Having a membrane at all suggests that something is different about life that can’t be explained by the various “It all just happened” scenarios we often hear about how life got started. How did life forms decide they wanted to protect themselves? Read More ›

Why are “skeptics” the most gullible people around?

Miller: The irony of Novella’s pollyannish description of the research is that he is a host of The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe podcast… If Novella had consistently applied his hype-detection tools to the press release from the University of Tokyo, he would have described the [origin of life] research in dramatically different terms. Read More ›

So why aren’t the RNA OOL researchers in the running for the Nobel Prize?

When a story is the one people need to believe, they don’t ask for detailed demonstrations of how it could have happened that way. Chances are, they don't even want them because then they would be responsible for knowing that it didn't really happen. Read More ›

Paper at PNAS challenges universal common descent

The underlying issue may well be this: With the James Webb Space Telescope headed off to survey countless exoplanets, astrobiology (search for extraterrestrial life) is becoming cool. A strict neo-Darwinian approach, as in “All life unearth arose from a single cell” is, at best, inconvenient. At worst, a true bummer. The astrobiologist is going to be much happier with “prime candidates for developing new theory on the ‘laws of life’ that might apply to all possible biochemistries…” Life lesson: Researchers will sacrifice Darwinism pretty quickly when it is an actual impediment. Read More ›

David Coppedge: The Miller-Urey experiment sparked, zombie-like, back to life

Coppedge: “It’s not clear what the team accomplished if anything.” The main accomplishment is to have something to write a journal paper about, keeping the idea alive. Read More ›