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Intelligent Design

The “starseeds” among us: In case we thought reason was going to get a fair shake out of all this “science” stuff…

Drinkwater et al.: "Star people, or starseeds, are individuals who believe they have come to Earth from other dimensions to help heal the planet and guide humanity into the "golden age" – a period of great happiness, prosperity, and achievement." It's more popular than we might have expected. Read More ›

And now for something completely different, from spider world: Brown widows kill black widows

Seriously, this is one situation where legitimate ecology concern is not helped by natural human emotion, as in the case of eagles, for example. Natural human emotion, in this case, is more along the lines of: Oh, why can’t they all just kill each other? Read More ›

L&FP, 66: String — yes, s-t-r-i-n-g — data structures as key information storage arrays (thus the significance of DNA and mRNA)

One of the more peculiar objections to the design inference is the strident, often repeated claim that the genetic code is not a code, and that DNA and mRNA are not storing algorithmic, coded information used in protein synthesis. These are tied to the string (yes, s-t-r-i-n-g) data structure, a key foundational array for information storage, transfer and application. So, it seems useful to address the string as a key first principles issue, with the onward point being that strings of course can and do store coded information. Let us begin with, what a string — yes, s-t-r-i-n-g — is (though that should already be obvious from even the headline): Geeks for Geeks: A string is a sequence of characters, Read More ›

At VICE: Our view of intelligent [human] life upended by tools find?

So it’s sort of like your great-uncle and aunt made the tools, not your great-grandparents. And that's supposed to make all the difference? Meanwhile, another "subhuman" candidate to scratch off the list. Read More ›

Astrophysicist: The Big Bang says nothing about how the cosmos came to be

Has Frank just given away the store to theists? The situation is exactly what we would expect if the cosmos is designed by a supernatural intelligence. We can learn how it works but the inventor exists and works at a higher level. We get only scattered, partial insights as to that. Read More ›