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Cambrian explosion

Günter Bechly: Paper says Cambrian Explosion took only 410,000 years

From the paper's media release: Moreover, the scientists' data series reveal that the development of the fauna took place within a very short period. The transition from the "Ediacara biota" – multi-celled but very simply organisms – to the diverse Cambrian life forms occurred over less than 410,000 years. Read More ›

Researchers: Trilobites breathed through their legs

How this finding situates trilobites "more securely in between older arthropods ... and crustaceans" is unclear. Apparently, crustaceans don’t breathe through their legs. Did the older arthropods breathe through THEIR legs? In any event, this find implies that the crustaceans underwent a dramatic switch in breathing mechanics, of which we apparently don’t have an account. How could we? We only found out about what the trilobites do very recently. Read More ›

If you get canceled, like paleontologist Gunter Bechly, where do you go?

Klinghoffer: Dr. Bechly recently penned a blockbuster 14-part series debunking Kimberella as a solution to the Cambrian Explosion. In case you missed it, it is a monumental, and morally important, piece of scholarship. The Cambrian event, a massive saltation, remains an unsolvable mystery for Darwinists, with all that implies about the evidence for purpose and design. Read More ›

Sophisticated eyes from over 500 million years ago

Okay, but wait. Just because it would benefit a life form to have sophisticated eyes does not mean that it can just start growing them. That’s where Darwinism begins to shade into magic. There’s a missing factor here: How, exactly, were the prey life forms enabled to participate in the complex business of producing vision in response to the predator’s vision? Read More ›

Is a vast variety of new cichlid species in ten million years a “burst”?

One can talk about the cichlid "burst" that lasted ten million years but now, the term “explosion” has become politically incorrect usage to describe the Cambrian because shut up. Read More ›

At Geological Society of America’s house rag: QUIT calling it the Cambrian Explosion!

Sorry, guys. The Cambrian is a bit like quantum theory. Anyone who ISN’T flummoxed by it doesn’t understand it. Now comes the punch line: “We suggest, as an alternative to “Cambrian explosion,” the Great Cambrian Biodiversification (GCB)…” Sure, that’ll catch on. It sounds like a large animal vet’s description of an elephant’s bowel problems. Read More ›

Precambrian creature scrunches the origin of life even further

This “revolutionary animal” is not that much like the Cambrian creatures so far found but the big question is, how did life explode so quickly if it was only by chance? Why not just give up on that idea and study the creature for what it is? Read More ›

Cambrian Explosion may have involved new genes

Researchers: “The genetic mechanisms underlying these events are unknown, leaving a fundamental question in evolutionary biology unanswered.” and “Contradicting the current view, our study reveals that genes with bilaterian origin are robustly associated with key features in extant bilaterians, suggesting a causal relationship.” = the genes originated with the bilaterians (creatures with two distinct sides). Read More ›