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What Michele Bachmann and Charles Darwin (Don’t) Have in Common

In a recent political debate presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann raised the topic of vaccines. She accused Rick Perry, governor of Texas, of abusing his authority when he imposed vaccine mandates. What does this have to do with Charles Darwin? Darwin was also concerned about vaccines. But the so-called Father of Modern Biology had a different sort of concern. Darwin worried that vaccines preserved the lives of those who otherwise would have succumbed. “Thus,” warned the Sage of Kent, “the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind.” And that, he ominously concluded:  Read more


ID-friendly US prez hopeful Rick Perry has announced his bid, blow for also pro-ID Bachmann?

Here. Here’s beloved commentator Chris Matthews on the threat Rick Perry poses to science. Question: If Perry cops is party’s nomination, will Obama choose to feature a Darwin love-in, in his re-election bid?

Just in: But Bachmann won the straw poll.

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Feminists defend ID-friendly Bachmann: “Who has ever called a man ‘The King of Rage?’”

Readers may recall U.S. prez hopeful Michele Bachmann, who is sympathetic to intelligent design: In “The National Organization of Women defends Bachmann against Newsweek” (Daily Caller, August 8, 2011) Caroline May reports,

“It’s sexist,” NOW president Terry O’Neill told TheDC. “Casting her in that expression and then adding ‘The Queen of Rage’ I think [it is]. Gloria Steinem has a very simple test: If this were done to a man or would it ever be done to a man – has it ever been done to a man? Surely this has never been done to a man.”

While some have pointed out that Newsweek has used unflattering photos of men such as Rush Limbaugh and John McCain on its cover, O’Neill says that is not the issue.

“Who has ever called a man ‘The King of Rage?’ Read More ›

Michele Bachmann, ID-friendly US prez contender now defined as “feminist”

In Washington Post, along with (also ID-friendly) Palin:

Religion historian Marie Griffith has been watching this shift, and recently wrote an essay titled “The New Evangelical Feminism of Bachmann and Palin.” She caught all kinds of heat from feminists on the left who say that neither Bachmann nor Palin, whom some have dubbed “the spiritual heads” of the tea party, can remotely be regarded as their conceptual colleagues. Read More ›

Who Will Be Michele Bachmann’s Science Advisers?

Michele BachmannAn earlier post yesterday underscored Michele Bachmann’s support of ID. That she supports ID is fine and well. Back in 2005 George W. Bush supported ID in the same terms as Bachmann. But Bush also had as his science adviser “company man” John Marburger (the “company” being Darwinian naturalists).

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US Republican presidential runner Michele Bachmann explicitly supports ID in public schools?

in an “everything on the table….let the students decide” approach, says HuffPost. Could she possibly be channelling her own base? Michele Bachmann expressed skepticism of evolution at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Friday. “I support intelligent design,” Bachmann told reporters following her speech at the conference, CNN reports. “What I support is putting all science on the table and then letting students decide. I don’t think it’s a good idea for government to come down on one side of scientific issue or another, when there is reasonable doubt on both sides.” “I would prefer that students have the ability to learn all aspects of an issue,” Bachmann said. And that’s why I believe the federal government should not be Read More ›

Gems from headlines 2011-2012 predicting the demise of ID

As it happens, Darwin is in way bigger trouble now. One regularly sees stuff walloping along in the current of science information that isn’t consistent with any plausible interpretation of biology’s Big Theory. Not only does no one do anything about it but the worry that they ever will is beginning to fade. Read More ›

US election features fewer media airheads this time out?

Readers, I haven’t heard a single wherewherewheredoeshstandonevolution? from a deeply concerned blonde since before Wisconsin prez hopeful Scott Walker dropped out, some while back. I am agog! Am aghast! Has Bimbo read a book at last? Aw, you know the sort of thing I mean: Here, from Matt Vespa: Time magazine found Walker’s old science teacher–Ann Serpe–from high school to solve the evolution puzzle surrounding him. He was said to be accepting of all the lessons taught to him, according to Serpe (via Time): Huh? There is no evolution puzzle surrounding Walker. He has no more information than the average well-read person, and in the age of ISIS, evolution is really only of interest to those of us who were Read More ›

Seven Nobel Laureates in science who either supported Intelligent Design or attacked Darwinian evolution

(Part two of a series of posts in response to Zack Kopplin.) The Seven Sages, depicted in the Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493. Image courtesy of Wikipedia. Zack, in your poker challenge to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on May 24, 2011, you declared: Congresswoman Bachmann, you claim that Nobel Laureates support creationism. Show me your hand. If you want to be taken seriously by voters while you run for President, back up your claims with facts. Can you match 43 Nobel Laureates, or do you fold? Actually, what Congresswoman Bachmann said was that “There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.” (Bachmann-Wetterling-Binkowski candidates’ debate. October 7, 2006. Voter’s Choice Candidate Forum, sponsored Read More ›